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Help On Pads

onza 999

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Right i have read the pad reviews and now im stuck on what pads to run. My options are: Koxx Browns / Blue rock pads / Plazmatic crm's .

Also if i decide to get the rock pads could anybody tell me anywhere to get them because tarty have sold out. And would onza lime pads be any good to run on the front with a grind?


Edited by onza 999
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dont ride plaz pads in the wet then :Plol.

erm for all weather pads id get some planet x stickys, i ride them and they are real strong in all weather.

from the ones you asked about ud get the koxx brons. they last for years and all you need is a grind with no tar.

hope it helps dude (Y)

edit: for front id recoment getting an xtr vee brake and some clarks pads. perfect for moderation and with a light grind they are real powerful when needed

edit 2: what part on northamptonshire you from? i live in wellingborough if you want to ride sometime (Y)

Edited by black twisted roses
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That crosses off the plaz pads then. So it looks like the Blue rock pads acording to good reviews. I just cant find anywhere to order them. Does anybody recomend any different pads for the front?

Cheers for the advise guys

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to be honnest mate i would get some planet x sticky pads. they work great in all weather without a grind so with a grind and a bit of tar they would be awsome. if you dont want them though koxx browns. perfect compound.

blueberry and snowyy pads sound like winter pads so come summer you would need more pads. better off gettin some all weather pads


Edited by black twisted roses
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I've got plaz on at the mo and there so loud and have loads of bite and hold.

Them not working in the wet doesn't really bother me as i don't tend to ride if it is raining.

I used too have rocks which were prity orite but nothing like plaz.

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If you run a grind on the back get rock blues my brother had them and they wore down about 4mm within 5 months riding.

if you run tar (witch is shit in the wet) get onza citrus pads because thet are cheep.

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Sand down your grind so its only just there (dead grind) and run citrus pads... Brilliant front brake.

He speaks the truth ^^^.

For the rear. Sand down your rim if you have a grind so it is smooth. Get some Zoo! pads and run them with a bit of tar.

But seeing as winter is coming up. I found my Koxx blue's on a Medium sharp grind to work excellent in both the wet and the dry.


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to be honnest mate i would get some planet x sticky pads. they work great in all weather without a grind so with a grind and a bit of tar they would be awsome.

Actually, with a grind those pads are probably the worst ones i've ever used, except for magura blacks and tensile bubblegums. They wear down in about a minute and leave a horrible smell of melting rubber everytime you break. I think those pads are made of shoe soles or something equally retarded.

I loved my rock pad blues, they were insane in both the wet and the dry. I was riding in mud and heavy rain and they didn't stop honking and only marginally lost a bit of hold. I even poured an entire bottle of water over the pads and rim to wash mud off and hopped straight on the bike to find they worked despite being smothered in water. And in the dry they are some of the loudest grabbiest pads i've ever used.

Just don't fit a booster to them, they wear down quicker with a booster, the pads like a bit of flex.

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Got myself some blue rock pads for the rear and some blue koxx pads for the front both with a sharp grind. Both work amazing and god the rock pads are loud !!! Thats without a brake booster, still have not got my RB booster due to the bloody postal strike.

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