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Please Stop Asking Me Via Pm And Pm


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I maybe new and i might of found a hole in the market to avoid Chris (Zhi) from ripping us off but please can you stop PM'ing me asking to buy the frame and then sell you it.

I am not even sure i will get one my self, let alone the 110% certanity of a set price inc shipping and all the other detials to go with from the shop that sells them.

My PM box has been rammed and i think it's really rude having 50+ people asking me like this.

As and when i go ahead on such a thing i'd do a post maybe about a group buy to see about some discount. Till then please can you stop spamming me with PM after PM.

I don't mean to be rude, but i think it's rude of you asking such of me!

I found that void in the market by Google, you can do the same. Asking me to buy it for you as well, you not go your mum or dads credit card etc

Im new and it's has kinda scared me off

You all know whom you are.


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Good post. It has to be said I probably was one of the first to PM you, purely because I noticed you were a local rider. I think people asking you to purchase frames for them and then pay you back is completely ridiculous and so cheeky.

Just because you have found a cheaper source of a certain frame doesn't mean you should be expected to sell them to everyone else. If I had found somewhere to purchase cheap Koxx/Monty frames and I posted about it, all I would do, if anything, is post the link, there is no way I would buy frames for people, everyone who's asking about them needs to understand this.

In short: Stop assuming Dave is going to get you all cheap frames. You all have access to the same tools as him online, so use them. I myself did a search on google and found a site where the rims are £25 a pair. Google it.

EDIT: Sorry for the lack of coherence, I'm in work with people talking all around me and cant concentrate on what I'm writing.

Edited by MonsterJ
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Sorry to be a dick, and piss on your bonfire, but how is chris? ripping you off??

Its called, making a profit you tool.

Do koxx not rip you off when they sell you a frame for £600 which cost them £30 to make?

Get real.

Chris is a sound guy, and is justy trying to make abit of extra money while he's in england studying at uni.

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I myself did a search on google and found a site where the rims are £25 a pair. Google it.

I suggest you switch your PM's off for the next week sir or else you'll be getting PM's asking for the website address, or the keywords you used to find it.

edit: fully agree with Joe, it's good Chris is earning money and not selling the frames without income.

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I'll happily tell people the website address should they want it. People will have to risk buying from Hong Kong themselves and possibly being hit with taxes, or they could buy from Chris for a bit more money and not have to worry about taxes, or problems with returning products should they break.

Personally, I'd be willing to risk it and buying from Hong Kong, but that's because I'm a cheap skate student.

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haha im guessing i was the reason you got all the pm's because of my replies to your post in new members. Have to say though that zhi guy isnt ripping people off hes just earning himself abit of money like anyone else is and is selling you it cheaper than it would be if they where forsale over here, DOB products im refering to. And the zhi parts he sells are cheaper than shops here so hes hardly ripping people off.

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Sorry to be a dick, and piss on your bonfire, but how is chris? ripping you off??

Its called, making a profit you tool.

Do koxx not rip you off when they sell you a frame for £600 which cost them £30 to make?

Get real.

Chris is a sound guy, and is justy trying to make abit of extra money while he's in england studying at uni.

Yea how about you think about what you saying, cock..

There's a difference between being ripped off and paying a fair price. If he is making a profit on something that can be bought cheaper else where, then yes that is ripping people off.

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Yea how about you think about what you saying, cock..

There's a difference between being ripped off and paying a fair price. If he is making a profit on something that can be bought cheaper else where, then yes that is ripping people off.

Christ, how do you think a shop makes any money?

Same principle here...

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Yea how about you think about what you saying, cock..

How about you take a lil of your own advise and crawl out your own ass a lil bit?

Chris sold me a complete Echo dengura as soon as they were relased for 70quid..... thats not a big mark up

Think Tarty probably get them cheaper than Chris ever thought about there mark up on goods? Much more than Chris! How much are denguras there? 135? something unafordable like that! (not critisising tarty because you pay wages and rents, tax, vat and overheads that Chris doesnt have to pay) But Chris is a sound bloke whos got loads of bits for me and all my mates mainly from EBT so how about understand what your talking about before you call joe a cock eh?

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Okay maybe i used the wrong words and seams to of upset you like made. My advice chill out, have moment of hows your father or 30 seconds with you g/f or teady bear then come back.

The shop is selling them for £100GBP posted. They got wages, rent, utility bills to pay.

Zhi £250, delivery... (anything eles?)

You tell me!

Yeah he is good with what he is doing, from the cahts i've had i am not happy with his manner.

Anyway other have found and you can so get off you bum, stop harasing me both PM and MSN as thats started now

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