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What To Buy...


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Im new to the forum, i have been riding motocross for years, and want a hobby to do after school/Days im not mx'ing.

Im looking to get a 20" bike, but not too expensive, and didnt know weather it works out cheaper/easyer to buy frame/cranks/forks etc...

seperate , or just to buy a whole bike.

And also any recomendations on frame/bike etc..

Thanks alot. Josh. :D

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In a weird way, it's cheaper to buy your own specific bike.

Then your gettin the parts you want and you can get on with it.

People who buy full bikes (t-pros and such)end up up-grading the parts anyway.

So if you've got the money.

Build your own (Y)

Ok cheers guys, ill have a look about first, see what i can get for my money.

Thanks Josh.

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Your knowledge of parts, prices and brands may not be the best at the moment.

Also, as your starting out like me, you may damage your beloved bike that you have been building up for weeks quite badly.

Money wise, well it can either be cheaper or more expensive its entirely up to you.


Buying a bike from a shop, they tend to come with cheap components unless your willing to pay large sums of money.

Your getting specifically what you want on your bike, down to the smallest nut or bolt.

Your bike will always be unique and different to others unless of course someone copy's you.

Personally i would not build up my first bike, buy a cheap bike that you can trash around and not worry about.

Also if worse comes to worse and you hate pedal trials, then you can chuck your bike out the window and stick to motocross.

Hope i've helped, Sonny (Y)

Edited by Clarkey
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