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Flangless Hubs


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It uses standard spokes, you hook the heads into the slots.

The advantage comes if you need to change a spoke - they come straight out rather than having to bend/untwine them from the others. You can also change a spoke without having to take the cassette/disc rotor off.

Built quite a lot of those hubs a few years back, seemed ok, but spoke breakage was more common than with conventional hubs.

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Those BMX ones are mostly so you don't grind through the heads of your spokes. The deore one doesn't look like it would do that, but then again doubt you'll be doing grinds on it. Spose its useful if you bang your hubs a lot...

I had one in a back wheel, was fine for riding around on but never used it for trials. I'm sure it'll be fine.

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Those (BMX) hubs look awesome. Two things though - you have to take your wheel apart completely to change a spoke, and there's no disc mount. Pimp though!

the deore ones have disc mounts :) and you dont have to rebuild your wheel, they've got keyhole things for the spokes to go through

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