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How Long Did It Take You To Become Validated?

mountian goat

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Hi, its been a while now since i joined and i still havn't been validated.

I've followed the guidelines but it still hasn't worked.

So i want to know how long it took you to get validate (if you remember) and what am i doing wrong.

Look at my posts and topics please and comments would be good as i would like to get validated some time soon..... :angry:


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Posting this i dont think will help...

Took me 2 days...


Nah i'm just seeing what im doing wrong, because i've seen people joing up and a couple of days later there validated and they only write like one post.

My post arn't too short, i try too use my best punctuation and i can be quite helpful with certain topics.

Maybe the Mods hate me lol :blink:

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Read the rules you arse.

It states very clearly that you shouldn't fill up pre-members with shit topics and you definately shouldn't post "When will I be validated," topics.

You sir, will never, ever, get validated now.

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I've been on the forum for ages and still haven't been validated!! Don't really know what it takes to be honest. :)

Well to be honest you havent posted here much.... the system is to just protect the full members chatt from bots and total morons who can't write out in propper English! I read MadManMikes sticky thread at the top of the screen a while ago and its really made me think about my posts! so try reading that all the way though some really good advise in there (Y)

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El Muelio I think you'll find.

I shall f**k off back to the members section, but then I'll come back here, see you in a bit lovey.

stop being such a twat, hes just wondeing why he hsnt been upgraded to a full account, he seems decent enough and should really be validated.

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stop being such a twat, hes just wondeing why he hsnt been upgraded to a full account, he seems decent enough and should really be validated.

His topics have been shite Ash, and he seems like a twat to me.

I have been a bit of a gay in this topic actually, sorry, I have a lot of shit going on at the moment.

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