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221ti Cracked?


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This is my 221ti 07 and we think it may have a crack not sure if its just a paint crack or a full on needs new weld job

we would just like a second opinon or even to ask if this has happend to anyone else.





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It will be one as nearly all montys crack there. If your going to weld it then it won't cost much tenner most i would think. But if you dont have it heat treated aswell it will just crack again qith in no time. Have you thought about trying to have it replaced either get intouch with where it was bought from or send pics to rathmel sports who import them and they may be able to warrentie it, but if they are able to i should think it will take a while for it all to happen and you get a replacement

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Well i know proffesionnal welder who could weld it not sure about heat treated and i bought if of scott wilson so there is no warrantie :(

still try rathmels they may be able to get you a warrentie or go through scott, if hes willing to help you out.

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You got any better pics? Could well be a crack in the paint as it's a painted one ;)

if not, change your name from trasher! :lol:

No thats the pic i toke today but i toke a screw driver and scartched the paint insite but couldnt see anything deep so ....

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Alright mate, sorry for the late reply, ive been at work (N)

Im pretty sure that "crack" has been there since day one, had a look and as far as we could tell, it was just in the paint. That bike done 2 world rounds and a few brit rounds,and it was fine.

I got that bike in augest 06, and you've had that bike for 6 months now, i think? So there will be no chance of a replacment from rathmell.

I suggest going to see lee crisp of crisp engineering and see what his opinion is (Y)

Hope i could help


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Dont weld it, it will just make it weaker, i have seen a couple of these frames with this mark there and they dont break or snap.

Like Ian said, just leave it and ride it, if you weld it you deffinatly void ANY warranty you may have (obviously if the bike is younger than this one is)

iv had frames welded in the past and the problem you have is after welding it becomes weaker as the alloy is heated up and just turns into putty, a bit like bending a mech hanger, when you straighten it its weaker, then snaps.


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