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Giant Stp


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Can you check some images of this bike and tell me if it is good for trials...

I don't want a professional specific trial bike...

But I want to do some trials techniques with it like Sidehops,Bunnyhops,Pedalkicks,Manuals,Drops and more trials stuff...

If you know some other bike that it's OK for trials (no seatless)and it's noy so expensive...tell me


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Its more a dirt jump allround bike. Saying that lenosky is pretty good at trials on his. If you just want to ride trials go for something more specific, look at onza or somethin. If your gonna ride loads of different stuff go for the stp its a fine bike

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My mate has one. It seems OK, he can do simple trials but not really anything hardcore.

Bad points, it has front forks, gears on the back, and a seat post.

STP = Sreet, Trials, Park. Its also excellent for mountain biking and has good components.

Also very cheap for what it is, seen about 299 some places.


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  cw00 said:
Lol woops, front suspension!

So... if he's looking at a STP, he probably won't be riding UCI style. I personally run suspension forks on my 24". I know I'm far from riding pure trials but if he doesn't want a trials specific, suspended forks are nice :)

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  MonsterJ said:
Street, TRAILS, Park.

Not trials. That's said, it is still a decent all-rounder.

it was desinged by one of the best trials riders in the world (imo) and is sued by him to do/street/trials and what ever else he wants to ride. there are a vew riders who run suspension upfront so that is not a problem.

i agree it would be the nicest feeling trials bike but saying that it feel lovley on the rear wheel myfriend has the stp and i can pedal hop that around

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