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OMFG :sick: no offense, but thats the worst mod I've ever seen.

I'm tempted to spray mine but worried I'll f*ck it up.

The only thing i know is going to your local B&Q and picking up a can of spray of your choice of colour.

I'll leave the rest to the experts, after that a coat of varnish or something along those lines.

Good luck!

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OMFG :sick: no offense, but thats the worst mod I've ever seen.

I'm tempted to spray mine but worried I'll f*ck it up.

The only thing i know is going to your local B&Q and picking up a can of spray of your choice of colour.

I'll leave the rest to the experts, after that a coat of varnish or something along those lines.

Good luck!

better than a shogun gimp

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First you need a good load of paint, 2 400ml cans of topcoat, 1 or 2 of lacquer and 1 or 2 of primer should do you fine.

Remember: * prep is everything, without a good key, the paint wont adhere properly and youll be left with a weak paint job that will chip or flake easily,

* Temperature can have a real bearing on paint properties, the best time is on a hot, dry day. This will ensure the best possible finish

* DO NOT get any contaminants on the frame during any stage.....dust will ruin a perfect finish, and any oil like substances will react with the paint causing it to orange peel.

You then need to sand the frame(not to bare metal) what you're aiming for is a textured keyed surface that will help the paint stick, after this, the frame needs wiping to remove the old paint dust. * Remember to do all nooks and crannies of the frame.

The primer now needs to be applied.....can at around 25cm away from the frame with thin coats sprayed at 10min intervals will give you best results.

You now need to do the main spraying, the topcoat...as above, thin coats at ten minute intervals.

The next step is optional..... polishing. To get a really nice shine and lustre to your finish you need to polish back the very top layer of paint, removing any imperfections in the surface...a good quality cutting compound needs to be used e.g T-cut.....With a clean lint-free cloth, apply cutting compound sparingly and rub in small in small circles, until the paint is smooth and a good shine is achieved. NB * The paint should be left to harden for at least 1 day before attempting any polishing

* Cutting compund does wear away at the paint, leaving you with a thinner coat than before

Now the lacquer needs to be applied.....as with the normal spraying.....thin coats at ten minute intervals.

Now the final stage....lacquer polishing, again this is entirely optional but it really does give you first class results, same method as above, but lacquer isnt as hard as paint, so wears through quicker.

Hope this helps!

I know there was a link posted for a method earlier on in the topic, but as it didnt work i thought id put mine up as back-up!

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Chances are the guy above has told you everything but i dont have time to read it all.

First thing is that if your going to do it properly then its going to cost you 30/35 its not a 5 pound job with a can of spray paint.

If your spraying a dark colour choose a dark primer such as grey otherwise use white. When spraying try to coat the frame even;y and dont put the can right up to the frame spray shit loads on at once as you will have runs everywhere. Do it in coats and build it up. To get the best finish you should sand in between primer coats but dont bother it not worth it on a frame that will get scratched.

you want to do 2/3 good coates of primer give about 15min in between coats for drying.

You want to do about 4 good coats of paint holding can about 6inch away from frame. I was told by someone you want to start off with a dryish coat building up to a wet coat. So that means spray your first coat lightly not holding can to close and slowly build it up but making sure not to go over top and it running.

let the frame dry and then give it as many coats of laquer as you can be arsed to do, about 4 or so.

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