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Halo 3


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my mate got it yesterday, its awsome, and already completed lol, last level was hard but meh!

anyway, if youve heard the rumour that the master cheifs helmet gets removed at the end then its not true, the end is gay its obvious that there will be a halo 4

anyways its well good, americans are basically halo mad, oh and the uk obviously, if you go online you can see all the little dots and they are all the people playing it,

if you have an xbox 360 and you dont have halo 3, i suggest you get it!

Edited by braintreetrials
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Been on it none stop since I got in from work today haha. I love it! I never really liked Halo online but it seems alright apart from the obvious major lagging problems due to about 13 million people trying to get onto the halo servers! I don't wanna know the ending as I wanna play it all and see what happens but I've pretty much guessed Master Chief doesn't die? If this is the case I'd be a fair bit dissapointed as it would have brought a great sense of closure to the series.

I loved the believe adverts though... That John-117 monument was awesome!

Alas No one spoil it for me please! OR if you are gonna add spoilers at least give some warning? (Use the spoiler tags :P)

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I have Halo 3, its OK so far, having played half of Halo 2 I am not tooo sure whats going on in the story. From the reviews I have read and playing it myself it deffinately seems more geared towards multiplayer and the campaign is aparantly only 6 hours long ish.

Got Skate arriving tomorrow and I will personally be getting Pro Evo 2008, a lot of people have played Fifa 2008 and said its worse than 2007, I have not yet played it as I cannot get my xbox online at uni.

All about PGR4 though next month, shame that it will prob be the last one made by Bizarre for xbox only.

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They might not have a 4th one as such but more of a prequal, maybe on how the halo rings were created or something??

I am yet to complete it, maybe ths afternoon, but I doubt bungie would get rid of this series as its a pretty big blockbuster. Its like the Mario of Xbox really. They will find ways to make more games, such as Halo Wars, which at first I thought looked bad but its actually starting to look ok.

I would not be suprised if they do make Halo 4 or 0, I cannot tell yet as I have not seen the ending but there is deffinately more to explain/explore in the Halo Universe, as there is in star wars. If you watch all the cut scense propely you can see a lot of similarities. I am pretty sure I saw what looked like half a death star in one of them so far.

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completed it last night night 4am lol

was easier than halo 2 but thats because i put it on easy mode...gonna try it on the harder one up to get more achivements and more of a challenge

game is seriously good

just wait for all the extra stuff to come out

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