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right, need a 185mm BB7 and nowhere has one in stock except tarty and this place i found called ukbikestore.com and this place was like £15 cheaper than tarty so i thought i'd give it a go. I made the order last sunday (16th) and it said next day delivery so when it didnt turn up on the wednesday i got a bank statement thing and i hadnt been charged... so i gave them a call and they said 'oh yeah, we forgot to update our website and tell you we're out of stock' so i was a bit pissed off but they said theyd get it to me by the end of the week which would have been ok because i was supposed to be riding sunday. anyway, to cut a long story short it never turned up so i was loaned a BB5 (thanks very much to georgieporgie!)

I just gave them another call this afternoon and they were like, 'erm, oh yeah, we've cancelled your order but didnt bother telling you' (they suposedley sent me an email but i certainly never got it)

so now i've had to get a 203mm from chainreaction which is shit because its not the one i wanted or when i wanted it.


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so you ordered it, they didnt charge you, you rang them, they said they were out of stock, you didnt pay anything and your complaining why? because you had to wait 2 days longer? or did they actually charge you?

no, i had to wait a week and a half and i would have missed a weekends riding if my mate hadnt leant me a disc and they didnt bother telling me they didnt have it, i had to ring them to find out and now im getting a different disc to the one i wanted because they pissed about with this order.

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I just ordered a BB from them and it came very quickly, and they had great communications, told me when it was dispatched and so on. Just bad luck on your behalf i guess. Think how many customers places like that must get, the odd order is bound to be forgotten. It is massively annoying but it is just a part of life nowadays no need to get too worked up over. If you are unhappy never deal with them again, but while you may think there shit, i think they are good - so there is no point to this thread, we're not going to talk about who's shit and who's good - just forget it.

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I've used them a few times (actually got some bars and a stem stacker coming tomorrow) and most of time their on a par with CRC. One thing to note is that all my emails from them went to my Junk folder in Hotmail so be sure to check... For this order they didn't tell me they were having to order the bars in from Easton direct but when I phoned they let me know the score and all was well again!


Edit: Oh yeah, and Samdoman... cheers for the brake- got it on and set up and it works perfectly!

Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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wtf? brakeless to front wheel? do you not mean impossible?!?

Nope i used to do it all time when i rode with no front brake, just have to have weight all way over front and fully comit, used to out do quite a few of me mates at front wheel gaps without one and they are at same standard as me. Going flat to flat is very scary but something slightly above makes it alot better.

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