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Who The Hell Is/ Was Pete Wright ?


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Don't talk about him, if he finds out, he'll round house kick you into the universes equivalent of the black hole, a titanium hole.

He once sidehopped over the empire state building and has a bike that actually weighs less than an electron.

Some say he's the colonel from KFC?

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Don't talk about him, if he finds out, he'll round house kick you into the universes equivalent of the black hole, a titanium hole.

He once sidehopped over the empire state building and has a bike that actually weighs less than an electron.

Some say he's the colonel from KFC?

Were you even on here when Pete Wright was?

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Don't talk about him, if he finds out, he'll round house kick you into the universes equivalent of the black hole, a titanium hole.

He once sidehopped over the empire state building and has a bike that actually weighs less than an electron.

Some say he's the colonel from KFC?

and some say most of the forum who take the mick out of him wernt even around when he was a full member. basically hes a bloke who liked to exaggerate rather a lot on the net, that was it, but it became the forum fad to take the mick constantly

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His uncle owns hope, his dad runs EBC, he's got 3 kids, one of which was conceived, born and grew to 1 years old in about 4 months. He had a business, sold it to move somewhere then miraculously had the same business still.

He's sponsored by Koxx and does secret testing for Intel. He also helps develop Microsoft systems including Vista.

Theres about a million and one other things too, including the stuff said above.

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Don't talk about him, if he finds out, he'll round house kick you into the universes equivalent of the black hole, a titanium hole.

He once sidehopped over the empire state building and has a bike that actually weighs less than an electron.

Some say he's the colonel from KFC?

There was a time where these were funny, not any more, which is pretty much why I said don't ask.

There was a topic where someone off here tracked him across the web, watching his trail of BS.

A shame really, he was pretty funny on MSN.

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Don't talk about him, if he finds out, he'll round house kick you into the universes equivalent of the black hole, a titanium hole.

He once sidehopped over the empire state building and has a bike that actually weighs less than an electron.

Some say he's the colonel from KFC?

I'm awaiting the first Stig comparison. I.e Some people say he did bladey bla,and the he only bla bla.

Anyway, Pete exagerated a bit, nothing major. It was funny and a lot of people just took the piss out of everything he says while others were slightly more ingenious and tried to post up things to completely ruin his claims, either way... most people continue to bring it up thinking their being original and funn when they take the piss out of him. It wasn't that big of a deal, he's actually quite a cool guy to talk to.

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It wasn't that big of a deal, he's actually quite a cool guy to talk to.

Yeah, but you weren't around when he first popped up - Trialskings? Modandstocktrialsriders? - and promised to sponsor every man and his dog, and then sent some people second hand parts, and other people nothing at all.

When people started complaining, he threatened them with his American ex-Marine relative lawyer called Drazic. He disappeared pretty quickly.

And his spelling was appalling. He claimed dyslexia, but those folk on here who I know have it are some of the best spellers who post.

Just annoying, and rubbish, and an arse.

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Alan, it doesn't matter, as i said, there was a debate on it a while ago;

I can't remember the argument for this, but i know it was justified and it ended up with something like 'just because one wasn't around when he was here, doesn't mean you can't take the piss out of him'.

Anyway, i heard he invtented chainsaws with tanks for teeth that shoot guns with swords on them that shoot grenades that explode into pork sandwiches that have flame throwers on them that shoot laser beams that explode into chainsaws with tanks for teeth that shoot guns with swords on them that shoot grenades that explode into pork sandwiches that have flame throwers on them that shoot laser beams that explode into chainsaws with tanks for teeth that shoot guns with swords on them that shoot grenades that explode into pork sandwiches that have flame throwers on them that shoot laser beams that explode into chainsaws with tanks for teeth that shoot guns with swords on them that shoot grenades that explode into pork sandwiches that have flame throwers on them that shoot laser beams that explode into chainsaws with Tanks for teeth that shoot guns with swords on them that shoot grenades that explode into pork sandwiches that have flame throwers on them that shoot laser beams that explode into a bunch-o mini pork sandwiches that kick bombs that explode into Chuck Norris on steroids!

And possibly cannons that shoot tanks that shoot eggs that grow big and hatch into a shotgun, a catapult and a super soaker. The super soaker shoots a swarm of nanobots that shoot acid that electrocutes the enemy while it melts and then the shotgun shoots lasers that turn into swords that shoot seeds that grow into samurais that use the swords while the catapult throws lemons that shoot robotic lobstermoose which shoot mini-deathstars that shoot lasers that turn enemies into cannons that shoot tanks that shoot eggs that grow big and hatch into a shotgun, a catapult and a super soaker. The super soaker shoots a swarm of nanobots that shoot acid that electrocutes the enemy while it melts and then the shotgun shoots lasers that turn into swords that shoot seeds that grow into samurais that use the swords while the catapult throws lemons that shoot robotic lobstermoose which shoot mini-deathstars that shoot lasers that turn enemies into cannons that shoot tanks that shoot eggs that grow big and hatch into a shotgun, a catapult and a super soaker. The super soaker shoots a swarm of nanobots that shoot acid that electrocutes the enemy while it melts and then the shotgun shoots lasers that turn into swords that shoot seeds that grow into samurais that use the swords while the catapult throws lemons that shoot robotic lobstermoose which shoot mini-deathstars that shoot lasers that turn enemies into cannons that shoot tanks that shoot eggs that grow big and hatch into a shotgun, a catapult and a super soaker. The super soaker shoots a swarm of nanobots that shoot acid that electrocutes the enemy while it melts and then the shotgun shoots lasers that turn into swords that shoot seeds that grow into samurais that use the swords while the catapult throws lemons that shoot robotic lobstermoose which shoot mini-deathstars that shoot lasers that turn enemies into lemmings that asplode and their guts form self-aware, all powerful computer programs which destroy human life as we know it.

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