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Had a little discussion with the one known as fat pants earlier on msn.

I turned 16 in July, and the girl i'm currently seeing is 15. We currently havn't had sex, now for me, it wouldn't be immoral for me to have sex with her, yet for Glen it was a real no no. Now i'm just a bit curious as to who else would see this as being immoral?

No legalities here, basically, would you or wouldn't you if you were in the same position?

My mind is already made up that i'd commit statutory rape (sounds a bit bad when its put like that) i'm just curious on everyone elses opinions...

Discuss, no arguing or slating, these are all opinions after all :)

EDIT: Quick edit, obviously i'm going to wait for her to tell me shes 100% ready to have sex etc etc. As i can see that being brought up.

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Hmm. It's perfectly fine...I mean it's only a years difference...As long as she agree's to it and say's it's fine...Then there's no problems is there really ?

Knowing Sophie though Nath...I personally don;t reckon she's like that at all...But to be honest...She could be.

Fine in my opinion as long as she's ok with it (Y).


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Hmm. It's perfectly fine...I mean it's only a years difference...As long as she agree's to it and say's it's fine...Then there's no problems is there really ?

Knowing Sophie though Nath...I personally don;t reckon she's like that at all...But to be honest...She could be.

Fine in my opinion as long as she's ok with it (Y).


This isn't about mine and her realtionship Danny. I just wanted peoples opinion on the topic of having sex between that age difference. You of all people know i'm not just after her for sex, and that i'd happily wait until shes ready. :) cos theres alot more than sex lets face it.

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This isn't about mine and her realtionship Danny. I just wanted peoples opinion on the topic of having sex between that age difference. You of all people know i'm not just after her for sex, and that i'd happily wait until shes ready. :) cos theres alot more than sex lets face it.

its illegal to have sex until your 18 you know. most people when i was at school had sex when they was in year 8, thats aged 13, and that was with people of the age of 18.

Plus if she said its a NO NO, shes obviously not comfortable therefore, its going to be the worse sex you will ever have.

Edit: EVER

Edited by Kyle Hinchcliffe
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its illegal to have sex until your 18 you know. most people when i was at school had sex when they was in year 8, thats aged 13, and that was with people of the age of 18.

Plus if she said its a NO NO, shes obviously not comfortable therefore, its going to be the worse sex you will ever have.

Edit: EVER

I thought it was 16?

And, she hasn't said no, i've just spoke to her about it and told her that we won't do anything till shes ready.

Again let me reiterate the point that this is a topic about peoples opinion about having sex between that age difference NOT about me and my missus' relationship. Thats all fine. I was just using me and my girlfriend as an example.

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I was only taking the piss, basically.

But, year below is still a year below, i don't think any/many of my friends (they're the people whos opinions count, lets face that) would approve of it, it's just like, stick to your own academic year? Not too bothered though.

Can't be arsed to essay about this atm, too late, take this sentence as an empty promise that will never get done: i'll probably essay it tomorrow or something.

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If you (not as in you and your missus just as a figure of speach) and your gf feel your both ready.... scrap that ..... LOL

If I was with a girl of 15 i would be able to tell if she was really ready, and if she was, then i wouldnt have a problem with it,..... but maybe thats because near enough all the girls i know that are 15 are sluts haha

Is your missus a virgin? ( I might have missed it in the first post, but you did say this isnt about you n her) :-

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im 17 the misses is 15.....

and least say maybe i shouldn't talk about it on a public forum? ;)

but yeah a years difference is nothing...

or lets say, even...

A years difference is a lot in your teens. Everyone matures at different times so a year could be a huge difference, or no difference at all. If it's a secure relationship then it'll happen. If you're in a relationship, in my experience, it's never a concern, or something you have to really think about really. It just happens with trust and time together. If you're a bit fresh together though, be careful cos you can still get into shit if you have a nasty break up and she turns against you.

Not really worth worrying about that though, get your end away it's reet bo!

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or lets say, even...

A years difference is a lot in your teens. Everyone matures at different times so a year could be a huge difference, or no difference at all. If it's a secure relationship then it'll happen. If you're in a relationship, in my experience, it's never a concern, or something you have to really think about really. It just happens with trust and time together. If you're a bit fresh together though, be careful cos you can still get into shit if you have a nasty break up and she turns against you.

Not really worth worrying about that though, get your end away it's reet bo!

this is true....but ive been with my girl for 9 months now, so its been pretty stable and shizz....

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I would so to grow up, but your like 10 so i guess it would ironic. :P

Does my age mean you want to have a relatioinhsip with me?

Is that how it still is in school? Pathetic.

HAHA, still? We all know you already know about the rule of the playground, given that you pick up your birds there.

Simon, you asked for that :P

Love you really.

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No one is going to arrest you or whatever. The Statutory rape laws are there to stop people much older having sex with children. Obviously they've got to have a cut-off point (16) but nothing would ever come of it.

I was in the exact same situation as you a few years back (wow, 7 years now I think about it :S ) - my girlfriend was 15 and I was 16. Just get on with it :P A year's age difference is nothing...

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