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Seat Help And 24 Inch Frames

Milford Cubicle

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I was wondering if there were was any way of attaching a seat to a frame with no seat tube hole? I have a revell stock frame. If so i were could i get a seat.

If not im guessing its not a good idea to drill into my frame? :P

If not what good and resonably cheap 24 inch frames are there on the market that are not to heavy preferably?

Many thanks for your help.


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A reasonably cheap trials 24" frame is the Onza Zoot. Great bike, but I do believe they do not have a seat either.

You can run a seat on the Zoot. As with the T-Rex frames the conversion plate type thing can be used but looks a bit... ghetto.



Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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