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Ok guys problamo!

Basically I installed some updates in Photoshop the other day which it kinda does automatically. Ever since this it will not let me open or save files. However if I drag a file onto the PS icon it opens which is odd.

Something's been corrupted in the update. Just reinstall it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm having flash player problems in both Firefox and Safari. I've tried the plug-in installation method which fails (but doesn't ever say why) and the manual method and I'm still getting the missing plug-in symbols all over the place. I've also tried re-installing Firefox and Safari with the latest versions and that's made no difference what so ever. Any idea please?

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how do I take a screenshot on a Mac? Do I need a program?

No. Well, not one that you don't already have ;)

Cmd + shift + 3 takes a normal screenshot

Cmd + shift + 4 lets you draw a rectangle

Cmd + shift + 4, let go, press space (then click with mouse) lets you take a screenshot of a window

Sounds complicated, it really isn't though.

They always just get saved on the desktop in png format. You can change it to jpeg by opening grab.app and looking in the preferences :)

OK, maybe it's not that simple. I did it ages ago but I forgot. If you want to change it to jpg, you have to type this in the terminal (and restart):

# defaults write com.apple.screencapture type jpg

Apparently you can change 'jpg' to pretty much anything. Mind you, there's nothing wrong with png, it seems to work well doesn't suffer from compression artefacts as badly as jpeg.

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Hey, i'm getting angry with safari and currency symbols. For example - im getting €100 instead of the real currency symbol. (i think that one could be euro's)

I also get a funny 'a' with a hat on it instead of (again im assuming) the £ sign.

Whats the deal!?

Oh, and can anyone gime me advice on how to sort it. Cheers, Andy

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Keyboard setup to the right language?

Sys pref>International>Input Menu and make sure it's checked "British" and not any others, also if you tick "Show input menu in menu bar" a flag will come up, should be British, if it's not, then you know your problem.

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Keyboard setup to the right language?

Sys pref>International>Input Menu and make sure it's checked "British" and not any others, also if you tick "Show input menu in menu bar" a flag will come up, should be British, if it's not, then you know your problem.

Yeah my flag is british and still have the problem :(

(cheers for the quick reply though :))

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Why have all the macs I'm using stopped reading FAT32 ?!

If I put it in, take it out, put it in... it sometimes works.

It's a brand new Macbook Pro, Brand New Mac Pro, Brand New 24" iMac

HELP?! I've got to do a mix down very soon, and I can't transfer anything!

USB 2.0 Seagate 120GB HDD

USB 2.0 Kingston 1GB HDD

My mate reckons it's due to the recent apple update.

Edited by Hendrix
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No, Macs will always be compatible with Fat32. The only time it's an issue (I think) is when the drive has a Windows NTFS partition on it as well as the Fat32, and an NTFS MBR.

But if it's just a normal drive, all Fat32, there's definitely no incompatibility.

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Why have all the macs I'm using stopped reading FAT32 ?!

If I put it in, take it out, put it in... it sometimes works.

It's a brand new Macbook Pro, Brand New Mac Pro, Brand New 24" iMac

HELP?! I've got to do a mix down very soon, and I can't transfer anything!

USB 2.0 Seagate 120GB HDD

USB 2.0 Kingston 1GB HDD

My mate reckons it's due to the recent apple update.

Your mate is wrong.


Try that if it's NTFS, if it's FAT32 then there's no incompatibility worries, you're doing something wrong. Doesnt matter if the Macs are old or new either, I'm pretty sure FAT has been supported since at least 10.3

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Why have all the macs I'm using stopped reading FAT32 ?!

If I put it in, take it out, put it in... it sometimes works.

It's a brand new Macbook Pro, Brand New Mac Pro, Brand New 24" iMac

HELP?! I've got to do a mix down very soon, and I can't transfer anything!

USB 2.0 Seagate 120GB HDD

USB 2.0 Kingston 1GB HDD

My mate reckons it's due to the recent apple update.

Post up some disk utility screenies of the drives you're using. Fat 32 is absolutely fine. Only problem some people have is the 4gb maximum file size which is unlikely to be effecting you.

Sounds like user error, no offense.

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After a good 30 mins chat to our Mac Expert at Uni. We've established... I should use a Firewire HDD rather than USB, because USB is very temprimental compaired to firewire.

I've also learnt, never have more than one hardrive in at a time, it shorts out the bus's...


Macs have their brute force and shouting moments to get them to work! :) Bit like a woman in some respects... :rolleyes:

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Yeah, the only reason that would ever be true if it's a really old mac. Macs had firewire before PCs but Apple didn't like the USB standard as much, so I think some of the older (G3?) Macs only had one USB bus with limited backwidth. But if it's a modern mac then it's complete shite :P

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2003 iMac at ACM.

The one at home just has a dodgy power supply to the bus's, don't know why...

I have three USB Ports on the 24" new iMac, and one firewire port. When everything is plugged in, it runs really hot, really slow, and not much connects. The airport doesn't even find any networks.

Reckon I need to take the new one back to Apple?

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