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Kids Gahhhhhhhhhhhhh


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worst ride in a long time, went to southampton, was fairly shit weather, cloud, no rain and quite windy, and all i get all day is about 5 12-13 year old whizing round on their saracen mods, watching and not trying anything, getting their dicks out, mooning, swearing, giving public abuse and just generally being twats, they proper pissed dave off too.

wtf can i do? i mean i like knowing the sport is growing and im all for introducing kids into it, but why do they have to be such c**ts? will they mature or just be dicks forever more.

irritated ash. rawr

EDIT: not little marc or callum, they are pretty sound

Edited by ash-kennard
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agreed, why do they have to be such tards..just ride! all they did was talk about "f**king your mum" "i f**ked your mum"abusive at passers by. one of them jipped off a toddler..who dose that honestly...very sad immature boy thats who. i was extremely pissed all day and embarrased to be around them why they were running around and shouting "your mum is a milf"

these type of people are giving sport a bad name and it really really annoys me and they are letting all the decent guys who ride trials down. we need new kids in the sport obviously! but ride, if you are coming out to be annoying please don't.

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At the end of the day thats bound to happen just don`t ride with them. Theres nothing more that can be done, you wont make them stop by telling people on a forum about them.

Everyone has a bad day, most don`t feel the need to tell the world.

your the first to critisize the pointlessness of peoples posts and topics and then you come up with this.

Of course there not going to change, there just some little scumbags and sadly they are everywhere.

No doubt il get slated for saying this because unless your names ash kennard your not allowed an opinion on here.

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No doubt il get slated for saying this because unless your names ash kennard your not allowed an opinion on here.


i dont feel this is a pointless topic at all, its a proper problem, and i see it on nearly every ride i go on, in many areas. the problem need to be addressed and dealt with. its just got to a rediculus level so im asking wtf can i do without not riding with them as that will destroy their learning, but stop them being dicks.

Everyone has a bad day, most don`t feel the need to tell the world.

its not me justhaving a bad day, it happens every ride

and wtf is with your whole post? people are entitled to an opinion but when their dicks i let them know

Edited by ash-kennard
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At the end of the day thats bound to happen just don`t ride with them. Theres nothing more that can be done, you wont make them stop by telling people on a forum about them.

Everyone has a bad day, most don`t feel the need to tell the world.

your the first to critisize the pointlessness of peoples posts and topics and then you come up with this.

Of course there not going to change, there just some little scumbags and sadly they are everywhere.

No doubt il get slated for saying this because unless your names ash kennard your not allowed an opinion on here.

I was gonna say the same, something along the lines of shit happens, but whey.

there chavs, they probs wont be out much more if you just ignore them.


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Ash! You've let yourself down, you're known for speaking your mind and not giving a shit, why didn't you just tell them to pipe the f**k down then twat the little c**ts? Surprising... They sound like right bellends though, trials is getting bigger but getting full of chavvy f**ks.

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I just think todays generation of kid have been brought up to be little shits. Also you said they were getting there dicks out WTF!

yeah, they were gunna do it when prawn was out about 2 months ago in fareham, thank fook they didnt he would have mentally destroyed them

Ash! You've let yourself down, you're known for speaking your mind and not giving a shit, why didn't you just tell them to pipe the f**k down then twat the little c**ts? Surprising... They sound like right bellends though, trials is getting bigger but getting full of chavvy f**ks.

thing is, i dont want to stop them riding, i just want them to not be twats.

Edited by ash-kennard
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yeah but again, thats just f**king up their oppurtunity for riding and doing something constructive

So you want these kids to ride and stop being dicks rather than telling them to p*ss off and getting nice people to ride ?

By the sounds of things, if you let them ride they wont last long anyway.

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So you want these kids to ride and stop being dicks rather than telling them to p*ss off and getting nice people to ride ?

By the sounds of things, if you let them ride they wont last long anyway.

that would be ideal really, but no sound people near here want to ride trials, they are all random little kids causing havoc

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Ash., i swear this happens on every group ride in southampton., the little kids piss me off.

They turn up ask if you have any bits you could sell for like £5 say you have a nice bike and then dont ride and piss about all day being twats to security.

Tell them next time., should make them realise there idiots.


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I just think todays generation of kids have been brought up to be little shits. Also you said they were getting there dicks out WTF!

Says the boy who last time i turned up on a ride was ripping a hand rail out of the floor at an industrial estate.... no point in doing it.... just for fun eh? fun destroying stuff, other people having to shell out cos your an arrogant willy? I mean usually your alright but wtf.....

yeh like those f**king southend bellends.


Good olde' southend rep. was getting to the point where people didnt dare post rides up on TF cos they might find out...

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Ash., i swear this happens on every group ride in southampton., the little kids piss me off.

They turn up ask if you have any bits you could sell for like £5 say you have a nice bike and then dont ride and piss about all day being twats to security.

Tell them next time., should make them realise there idiots.


that annoys me a lot to, only doing there jobs.

and if i wasn't already angry enough some 12 year old(who couldn't eat or drink as it was all down his top, shouldn't of been let out to be honest!!) tried to pedal kick resulting him landing on my shiny new frame...

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