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Tubeless Conversion


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Don't bother

Tubeless + low pressure = more hassle than it's worth

Every time you pinch (ok, not so much on a dual ply tyre...) you tear the sidewall a little, and have to block the hole in order for it to repair properly

There's not significant rolling speed for the latex to be evenly spread around the wheel to heal, so you have to faff lots

Stick to a tube, it's far better

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It would work but as Monkeynuts says, its more hassle than its worth. You need a really good seal on the bead for it to work well. After a few goes with tyre levers the tyre is more likely to be damaged and will leak and then lose pressure and fluid and so on until you want to throw the whole lot in the river or be covered in latex. It doesnt stay liquid for ever either and will dry out in your tyre. This adds weight and could also give you a balance problem when it dries in one spot. It's then like riding with a massive flat spot.

Unless you're having massive problems with tubes and have no alternative I dont recommend it.

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Its been done before a few years back now. I used to run tubeless front and rear and it was awesome. Mike Singleton started the fad but it never really caught on. The only reason why I'm not still tubeless is because when my tires got worn down, I couldn't be arsed to get hold of more liquid latex etc.

Oh, I also had a drilled rear rim :)

Have a search for it on here. They might have been deleted because it was back in May/June 2005 iirc.

Andy P

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Its been done before a few years back now. I used to run tubeless front and rear and it was awesome. ALI C started the fad but it never really caught on. The only reason why I'm not still tubeless is because when my tires got worn down, I couldn't be arsed to get hold of more liquid latex etc.

Oh, I also had a drilled rear rim :)

Have a search for it on here. They might have been deleted because it was back in May/June 2005 iirc.

Andy P


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