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Barnaby Tydman


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To be fair, if you saw him (and I use the term fairly loosely) walking down the street you'd probably think 'artist' or 'poet'... together with a few other stereotypical derogatory comments I won't mention here ;)

I like smugglers and gypsies. Chavs are their decendents, I think they're romantic heroes.

Is he really calling chavs romantic heroes?...

Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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My favourite bit is this: "I like light blue jeans, they're static, like a summer pond on the radio or really tall windows."

Is he for real?!

ROFL at you deleting my post

I deleted it because it had nothing to do with the topic and was just a personal insult. Check your PMs and don't post in here again unless you have something constructive to say.

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what a ponce i hate all this new outrageous , so to speak fashion it seems no one has a clue anymore.

everywhere, the kids at college look like theyve taken a drunken running jump through the rails at primark and come out all the same .

music tastes aswell, why be so generic when you're just limiting yourself to todays many talentless artists

meh should of been born in the 60's :(

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It's not just a 'gay bloke thread' though, is it? Did you even read it? I thought it was weird and quite funny, but I guess you guys didn't. Whatever, like I said before if you haven't got anything interesting to say, keep your mouth shut ;)

Back on topic, you can see an argument with him on his myspace which I thought was quite funny: http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseacti...logID=302573133

After reading about your favourite outfit in 'The Observer Magazine' I felt that I simply had to take time out of my day to write to you and tell you just what a raging twat you are.
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