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The Dream Thread


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I had one the other night which is really sticking me:

Darkness, then a shattering light, one lonesome boy stands forward, telling me that all will be dying, and then I scream, scream, and giant iron bars fall down to trap me.

Have yet to work out what it means, but I'm sure it makes sense in some wierd way.


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Very often dream that I'm doing long manuals, backwards nose manuals or squeakers.... or just running very fast. Don't remember any other dreams :(

I get alot of dreams about manuals aswell, I feel so super comfortable doing them there, even one footers and no handers :P

Those really are awesome dreams..

Anyway, I used to get one dream alot of times.

In the dream I would walk around in a big field of nothingness, just the color white.

Then in the middle of the field that was a flower, my mother would pick it up and a HUGE hammer would swing out of the air and at the point that it hit my mother I would wake up..kinda weird.

Alot of other dreams I have all involve falling from a great height, the fear at that moment is undescribable :P

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had a dream that i was manuling last night, just manuling, for however long i wanted,

Then i woke up :(

I've had that one before, i guess manualling well is a secret desire for us riders :huh:

In last nights dream, i was able to jump really high... like a freerunner, only being able to jump like the hulk in the latest movie. Like i'd jump in the air and go like a building height up in the air, then slowly start coming back down again. this ability has cropped up in a dream before so i wasn't too suprised by the way i could superhumanly jump into the sky. Well here it starts with me and my friends (the majority of which don't bike, we're pub dwellers) were at the park in a local village with our bikes chilling out and laughing about random things when i started jumping over things like the fence and a forest (bit of a leap in jumping abilities i know). Unintentionally, i landed on the other side of the forest in a farmers field, who was walking his dog in the same field when i landed. He'd been known to shoot kids for going in there before so i had to jump out of the field again and back to the park. But he chased me into the park looking quite pissed off and with what i can only describe as the evil b*****d-spawn of ceberus wanting a taste of our blood. Me and said friends decide to get away and next thing i know we're about a mile away in the local school playing field. Which is great, only i don't have my bike... must be in that park at the beginning of the dream. So i tell them i'm gonna run back and get it... which they all tell me is stupid because its a mile away and they offer me their bikes as a quicker way of getting there, but i'm convinced i can do it so i set off. I'm vaguely aware of several of the friends vacating the area as i sprint off up the path. This is where my trouble starts. I'm unable to run like a normal person, as i try and run i slowly float upwards which leaves my feet trying to run in thin air, i have to stop running to come back down to floor level before i can start off running again. Well after a couple of attempts at this float-running i get halfway back and decide i'm getting nowhere fast (i'd imagined i'd be there and back in 30 seconds or so). Along comes a new attempt at running which just sends me floating again but i don't slow down to come back to earth as its getting annoying, this time though i gather enough momentum to stay in the air hovering above the floor whilst travelling at round 30mph (i checked the speed on my watch :S, despite never wearing a watch) I stop running now and maintain a back-to-the-future style hoverboard stance as i zoom all the way back to my friends house (yes, i'm aware i was aiming for the park). My bike isn't there so i zoom off down the road again and start getting chased by someone or something so i have to pull into the pub car park... which believe me, is a lot harder to do when your floating at 30mph because with my arms already being stuck out at the sides to maintain balance theres nothing i can do in the form of braking. I opt to just hit the rear wall of the car park and stop moving that way, much to the disgust of the people in the beer garden. When the threat that was chasing me has moved on i leave the car park and take a wrong turn somewhere up the road ahead, which means i'm now in leicester (ordinarily a good 10-12 miles away). While stood in leicester slightly confused as to how i got here i see my friend martin who informs me he's "not seen us guys in ages" which was strange as he's talking in the third person, he asked what i was doing in town so early in the morning, so i had to explain how i took a wrong turn in queni and ended up here... which he found amusing. I had to jump from leicester back to the park/queni somehow and as i was coming back down from the single 12 mile jump my dream ended.... bit of a cliffhanger for the next episode.

So yeah, maybe tonight i'll be full on flying in the air as my powers increase. Or maybe its a weekly dream and i have to tune in next week for it :(

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Had a very scary dream tonight :S

My parents were going shopping and I was left alone in the car, then the car started rolling down a big hill, I tried to brake and steer but I couldnt stop it, even though it was going very slow.

I was riding towards towards water and fell in very slowely, I tried to open the door but it wouldnt open, the car filled with water and I was absolutely sure I was going to die, I wanted to text this girl that I love her but my phone wasn't functioning anymore due to the water.

Then the whole car was under water and I was choking, it seemed very real, I remember thinking ''so now I am really going to die...''

Then I woke up all swetty and stuff

One of the most scarriest dreams I've ever had, really did something to me :$ :blink:

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HAD A PRETTY CRAP NIGHT FOR DREAMING LAST NIGHT IF IM HONEST, I REMEBER IN ONE BUYING THREE LITRE BOTTLES (f**king caps!) of water for 33p and saying "what a bargain thats 11p each" in a petrol garage.

The when i went in my shed this morning i had a memory jog from another dream i had, i have sprayed two random names on my shed window for unknown reasons lol with anti persprent and my mum has told me to wash it off. Well i dreamt last night that i washed it off, then when i went in my shed this morning it was there and i wasl ike whoa!


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I had an awesome dream the other night. I was at work and my gf left me but the second she left me and walked out of the bingo hall where we work. I started railing a polish fittie who I also work with.

Then I took a piss in front of 3 girls and they were telling me how nice my dick looked.

Shame it was a dream :\

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I can't really remember most of my dreams.

Although one that has ocurred frequently in the past, is getting in a fight with someone, and everytime you go to punch the person, your arms move really slowly and are drained, like being underwater, and it has no affect on them whatsoever.

I get dreams like that, your in a fight u go to punch the f**k out them them put your arms move 10x slower and when you try to kick them it just dosesnt happen

you wake up thinking wtf??


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i had a dream about falling off of a bridge last night,had falling dreams before but never landed this time i did and i felt it too i actually felt in pain which was strange then i see my family by my grave crying lol thank god it was just a dream

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