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Curiosity ?

Danny Kearns

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So you suddenly changed because you found that it didn't give you enough thrills anymore ? haha.

Me ? Emo ? Lmao. It's called taking piss Beau.


meh ok cool

got me doubts about that stanly knife. I aint emo or whatever you wanna call it because i Grew up

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So...What is your definition of a "Chav" ?

Because personally. The way i think you lot see it. It is a person who listens to Hardcore/trance/dance music etc. Wears well named clothing and expensive clothing for that matter and walks around in big groups.

Personally. I see you as wrong.


Hmmm definition of "chav"... maybe this picture I found off Google will clear things up....


I forgot to add this disclaimer: :P

Edited by UrbanPoet
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So you take the piss simply because you can't afford the likes of Henri Lloyd and Rockport ?

Thats also another thing i notice.


I don't think affording whatever brand comes into it. I would buy the style of stuff I like, not what's expensive.

It's all down to attitude. You can see people wearing all sorts of stuff on a night out...but who are the ones being c**ts and causing trouble? Those people wearing Henri Lloyd and Rockport.

That's just the way it is.

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I don't think affording whatever brand comes into it. I would buy the style of stuff I like, not what's expensive.

It's all down to attitude. You can see people wearing all sorts of stuff on a night out...but who are the ones being c**ts and causing trouble? Those people wearing Henri Lloyd and Rockport.

That's just the way it is.


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I don't think affording whatever brand comes into it. I would buy the style of stuff I like, not what's expensive.

It's all down to attitude. You can see people wearing all sorts of stuff on a night out...but who are the ones being c**ts and causing trouble? Those people wearing Henri Lloyd and Rockport.

That's just the way it is.

Thats so stereotypical. That is NOT always the case.

When i go out on the town. I see people in Rockport shirts or whatever. Rockport shoes. Henri Lloyd jeans.

You find alot of them are quiet and very mature and all they want to do is dress smartly.



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Thats so stereotypical. That is NOT always the case.

When i go out on the town. I see people in Rockport shirts or whatever. Rockport shoes. Henri Lloyd jeans.

You find alot of them are quiet and very mature and all they want to do is dress smartly.



I'm sure a lot of them are lovely gentlemen. Not EVERYONE's out to cause trouble or act like a willy.

But like I said, what are the ones which are causing trouble wearing?

It may be somewhat stereotypical, but they bring it on themselves.

How do you think burberry got such a stigma attatched to it? Because all the robbing pikey c**ts wear it. No coincidence really is it.

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henry loyd is not a "good" make because it's expensive lol there are much better and bigger names infact if you turned up at an interview with a henry loyd suit you'd be laughed at.

Edited by Gavyn L
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Ahhh dear you lot make me laugh you really do. Ok. Lets leave it at that. This appears to becoming a like 10 on 1 discussion. Were all entitled to our own opinion on what a Chav is and on what dressing smartly is. So this discussion was never really needed in the first place.


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So basically what you're getting at is that after being spectacularly owned, you want everyone to quieten down?

Seriously Danny, if you want to see people "dress smart", go to the City area in London. Overpriced, shitty clothing with "Brand Names" like Henri Lloyd and shit like that aren't smart. The prices are high because they know stupid pikey f**ks will buy it. That is how the clothing industry works. It is no coincidence that the majority of chav twats out there wear these "Smart labels" that you're talking about. I don't think anyone's ever tried starting a fight with me rocking whatever newest shit Topman's got in?

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So basically what you're getting at is that after being spectacularly owned, you want everyone to quieten down?

Seriously Danny, if you want to see people "dress smart", go to the City area in London. Overpriced, shitty clothing with "Brand Names" like Henri Lloyd and shit like that aren't smart. The prices are high because they know stupid pikey f**ks will buy it. That is how the clothing industry works. It is no coincidence that the majority of chav twats out there wear these "Smart labels" that you're talking about. I don't think anyone's ever tried starting a fight with me rocking whatever newest shit Topman's got in?

Mark...Owned ? I didn't get owned at all. Your just arse licking like everyone else and you seriously think that all Chavs are dicks. Well news flash. They arn't all dicks and want to cause trouble. Just because they choose to dress how they do DOES NOT mean that they want trouble.

Christ. Skaters and Bmx's are just as bad. They have a foul mouth and foul temper. I've been to skate parks to sit with freinds...You only have to so mcuh as look at them. They f**king jump down your throat. Emo's are mouthy f**kers aswell. You can't put everything on Chavs. It pisses me off so much. My cousins. Two of the nicest lads you will ever meet. Yeah they can fight. But they don't go looking for trouble. They listen to hardcore music etc. They wear rockport, lacoste etc. So they are Chavs because they wear a brand of clothing ?

If so thats bang out of order and f**king pathetic.


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They arn't all dicks and want to cause trouble. Just because they choose to dress how they do DOES NOT mean that they want trouble.


Correct. However the only people that have ever started on me, or what have you have been chavs, pikeys wearing those stupid yellow hooded coats etc. Not one skater or emo has started on me and its not because i dress like them because i personly dress quite 'chavvy'

Im not saying all people who wear rockports etc are thugs/scum but all thugs/scum do wear rockport henry lloyd, so ovcourse the sterotype is going to asummed that anyone who wears those clothes are chavs, its something people have to live with and if your going to wear those clothes then your going to have to put up with being called a chav, simple as.

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haha danny you did get blazed. and emos are not foul mouthed kinel start on an emo they cry. And you saying were all steriotypical is stupid because youw as. Because i use to have drain pipe jeans i was emo you said and stuff like that when i dont listen to emo music whear emo shoes or huddies or t shirts i just had tight jeans. i usualy had a fox t shirt on or a plain one.

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you can't be a chav and not a dick, after all the term chav is usually associated anti-social behaviour, vandalism and general delinquency. If you do all of them then your a dick in 99% of the general publics eyes.

People look like chavs because they wear certain types of clothing that doesn't always make them chavs but it's what everyone presumes when they see them. in the same way that if you some one looking "EMO" you automatically assume they are. Pretty ironic really since you hate it happening to you and your cousins but your quick enough to do it to beau.

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you can't be a chav and not a dick, after all the term chav is usually associated anti-social behaviour, vandalism and general delinquency. If you do all of them then your a dick in 99% of the general publics eyes.

People look like chavs because they wear certain types of clothing that doesn't always make them chavs but it's what everyone presumes when they see them. in the same way that if you some one looking "EMO" you automatically assume they are. Pretty ironic really since you hate it happening to you and your cousins but your quick enough to do it to beau.

i didnt gett hat cousin bit. You aint taking piss out of me are you

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Correct. However the only people that have ever started on me, or what have you have been chavs, pikeys wearing those stupid yellow hooded coats etc. Not one skater or emo has started on me and its not because i dress like them because i personly dress quite 'chavvy'

Im not saying all people who wear rockports etc are thugs/scum but all thugs/scum do wear rockport henry lloyd, so ovcourse the sterotype is going to asummed that anyone who wears those clothes are chavs, its something people have to live with and if your going to wear those clothes then your going to have to put up with being called a chav, simple as.


Have you noticed, Danny, how almost every single other person on here disagrees with you? How in the general public's view, people generally earmarked as being 'trouble' tend to wear tracksuits and all that chavvy shit? That's because it is almost ALWAYS them who are going out and causing trouble. If you happen to dress like them, then it's pretty odds on that people are going to think you're a sketchy b*****d as well.

How many times have you seen a group of BMXers/skaters/emo people just go out specifically looking to fight someone? It just doesn't happen. Ever thought the reason you got people looking at you funny in skateparks was 'cos you were just sitting in a skatepark? It doesn't exactly make you seem particularly friendly, and from the majority of public skateparks I've been to, when people are just sitting in a group and obviously aren't riders/skaters, they're usually just there to get in the way or f**k people around.

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Your just arse licking like everyone else and you seriously think that all Chavs are dicks. Well news flash. They arn't all dicks and want to cause trouble. Just because they choose to dress how they do DOES NOT mean that they want trouble.

I think that everyone is forgetting that the term Chav is coined for greasy f**kheads that don't know shit and just cause trouble. So yes, all chavs are dicks - but remember that there is a difference to being a chav and being a dick. Just becuase you wear Rockport etc, that does not mean you are chav - its just that chavs wear those clothes.

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no not taking the piss out of anyone

i'm just saying that danny hates being classed as a chav because he wears chav style clothes but is only too quick to class someone as an emo for wearing emo style clothes.

owwww get you. LOL. Yes like i said i had tight jeans that was all lol. Skate shoes like most riders and a t shirt lol. but owell

funny how another topic turned into an argument:)

and i think actually it was all because i said rave my tits off

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