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Tyke Trial 30th Sept


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A new venue that is quite close to where i live, an old training spot that i have been using a whole lot more since the closure of addingham.

OK this does clash with another competition, but hopefully there will be people support both events.

Harden has been a very popular motorcycle venue in previous years, and hopefully will be a venue for us to use constantly in the future.

The harden moor venue will be very good for the young guns and hopefully some knarly sections for the master/elite riders as there is plenty to go at. will try and go up and help mark out if i can.

Hopefully see everyone up there.

30/09/2007!!! be there or be square. :)(Y)


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Looking forward to this one. (Y) It is a superb venue and has loads to offer :)

I will be available to set out on Saturday to ensure the intermidiate route is rideable for those of us with worn hips and victorian parenting principles :P

Nice one Niel I will be in touch we can have a practice this weekend if you fancy it, you, me and the other old git Mark.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We have got plenty of entries for this weeks trial at Harden moor.

whos is coming to have a go at this new venue ?

We have been up there practicing a few times and it is one hell of a place to ride.

We will be up on Sat setting out the sections if any of you fancy coming up and having a little bit of input.

see you all on Sunday.


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Post code is BD21 5QP if that's any good. Parking - flat, hardcore (I think!).

Press, photographers and councillors coming to watch with a view to letting us have more new venues!

See you there.


PS. I think the fellas are going up about 11am, but will no doubt still be there after you've had your hair done matt! :lol:

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What a day.

Top venue as I am sure you will all agree. I am wrecked again !!!!!!!!! :$

We had over 70 riders again.

Rob went round on 19 came 4th against some much bigger and older competition well done son. ;)

I went round on 58 I think, a couple of big spills but I had a top day one of the best to date. Both spills on Mrs Riders section, I still reccon that one will roll :$

A HUGE thanks to all of the obserevers, section setters, butty crew and Babara for fixing my hand OUCH. :sick:

not forgetting all of the new riders we had, I hope you had a good one and we hope to see you at the next one soon.

We have got the rest of that moor to go at yet so plenty more scope.

Thanks again.


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Yep a superb day :P When we went to set up on Saturday it was difficult to know where to start, there was so much to go at. When we use it again we will have a go at the other side of the moor (Y)

Loads of positive feedback from riders, observers and organisers and a real blast to ride, even the old farts like JP and myself got round without gathering too many 5's :$

When the sun shines in Yorkshire you couldn't be anywhere better especially with this sort of venue. Two more Tyke trial rounds and one more national still to come so don't stop practising now the nights are drawing in :S

I can't type anymore because my shoulders are siezing up........ nurse!!!!


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