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I-pod Trouble :(

The Stig

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Right my comp died a couple of days ago and i managed to realize what achieved this black screen i tracked it down by unplugging and narrowing the search!! My i-pod crashes the computer when attached at first i thought it was a USB overload however when i minimize the amount of USB it does the same :S weird anyone got any ideas how i can fix it??

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try resetting it, or plugging it into another computer and see if it does the same.

to reset your ipod flick hold ON for about 5 seconds, then off. then hold down menu and the middle button together until the apple logo appears on the screen.

Tried that, i have no idea what has caused it!! starting to bug me as i can't charge it or update the tracks :@

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new i-pod or new PSU???

Neither. I guarantee it will be a software issue on your computer. Nothing to do with the power supply or anything like that. Do virus/spyway/adware checks and if possible reinstall Windows. If that's not possible, just reinstall iTunes and see what happens.

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