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Curvy Claire Or Skinny Sue?


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it's a fool proof method. If you piggy back them home, you then know whether you wanna pork them or not, so if you're knackered, you can give them a peck on the cheek and make your way home. If you aren't too tired, you can get on with the show!

Thats why beefcakes go out with beefcakes. They have stronger legs and can handle more weight. It keeps things in proportion!

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it's a fool proof method. If you piggy back them home, you then know whether you wanna pork them or not, so if you're knackered, you can give them a peck on the cheek and make your way home. If you aren't too tired, you can get on with the show!

Thats why beefcakes go out with beefcakes. They have stronger legs and can handle more weight. It keeps things in proportion!

That is unrefutable logic, I love it.

I find I don't go for the skinniest girls, but by no means do I go for porkers. I guess theres a balance...

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some fat birds a fit. Their bodies aren't, but sometimes when you see them in the street or wherever, they're really fit. I'd just not be happy knowingt hat their body would just be a fat body when not in clothes. If you get what i mean. Shallow??? Sorry... You gotta fancy your bird. At least until the love takes over.

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But there's a difference between a fit fatty, and a fat fatty.

Fit fatties have an hour glass shape, fat fatties have a bowling ball shape.

Most people don't go for the bowling ball, which is one extreme, or completely anorexic, the other extreme.

Fit fatties are are just slightly off center, to the fatter end of the scale, if you get me... :ermm:

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LMAO!!!!! Bongo, iv never tried that method.

but as most others are saying, id deffinatly rather have a bird with something on them. (not mahoosive, or obeist)

iv had small, skinny and then the "right" sized girls and like Br3n said, its so much better in bed with the right sized bird on top of you, you dont find yourself stuck to them at the hip !!! literally impaled on each other. and small girls do feel like there going to snap in half.

iv ridden stiffer bike frames!!! than skinny girls

but ofr sure, my current GF is by far the perfect size for me (Y):)


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I used to like really skinny girls, but after going out with a girl who has a larger build, I much prefer it... People say it matters how much someone "weighs" buty I think that's crap...

Slightly bigger-built girls have muhc better body shapes, except on the odd occasion.... Also huge boobs look stupid on tiny girls...

Nathan :)

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Also huge boobs look stupid on tiny girls...

they look stupid on fat mingers as well..


edit: Wasnt sure if i'd get told off for that, there are no nips on show, its relevant and it came up in google images "curvy figure" :)

Edited by br3n
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Randomly came across this on myspace, it was a related vid at the end of a trials vid...


I think they're the maxiumum of curvy, and aren't too bad looking.

Still, you can't say either for definet as it varies between girls.

EDIT: Actually, they're a bit too big, but yeah, that's what i'd class as rather curvy, i'll try find a curvy girl.

Edited by Fat Pants
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Randomly came across this on myspace, it was a related vid at the end of a trials vid...


I think they're the maxiumum of curvy, and aren't too bad looking.

Still, you can't say either for definet as it varies between girls.

EDIT: Actually, they're a bit too big, but yeah, that's what i'd class as rather curvy, i'll try find a curvy girl.

Well I'd tap both of them! Even if they are a bit flabby.

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Id have to say im definatly a curvy claire... i mean.... really curvy lmao.... its just like... there always a lot more fun when they go out, a lot more fun in bed usually, usually more outgoing loud, up for anything e.t.c. i dunno... i just really like it! so much more than girls you take out and have to finish there food just cos its annoying you! i far prefer to sit in with a girl and munch down a ben and jerrys rather than celery... i dunno....

I just think im attracted to girls like that.... i would say the average girl of mine is like.... chubby-ish but no where near fat.... ive been out with a girl who was like size 6/8 and just wasnt fun.... hard to explain

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Shallow??? Sorry... You gotta fancy your bird. At least until the love takes over.

amen to that - theres nothing more soul destroying than rolling over in the morning after 2 years and realising you're just not interested anymore

I'm doing pretty well with this one. 8 years and I still want a go (Y)

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amen to that - theres nothing more soul destroying than rolling over in the morning after 2 years and realising you're just not interested anymore

I know exactly what you mean poop!

with my last gf, i was just there because it was easier than doing something about it. then i grew up

with Tori, i still fancy her just as much now, as i did the day i met her! which is awesome, because shes damn gorgeous!

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quoted for truth.

Cheeky bugger :P cant blame you though, shes perfect :)

you still riding a trials bike at all charlie? ive not been on mine in over a month :(

once life here has settles down in a few weeks time, you should come and say hello :)

Reads the forum :P

i tell her every day anyway :) so why is she going to mind reading it on a forum :)

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