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Islamic Extremist Websites


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Right, I just wondered - reading the news on Yahoo it says that videos will be released on Islamic websites...

Where are they? You can't actually find the sites so all you get is the watered down Media version on the news.

Any ideas?

I'm really interested in this kind of thing and would like to see everything, not just what the twisted news reports :)

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That usually has the execution vids and stuff. Had the head choppings and saddams execution.

And yer like you, i dont think its sick to be curios, as im curios about it all aswell :)

I can never understand this view of executions like Bigley's etc. It's not a disagreement, it's a total opposite approach to the subject. I know what it looks like, i've seen things by accident/without warning/without choice on the internet, TV and in real life, and from those experiences, i've come to the conclusion that given the choice, i'd prefer not to watch some of the cruelest and brutal torture/murder/exectution/bad luck possible, whether it be a beheading or a horrific motorbike accident/shooting etc.

Then there is the other side of things where i feel much better watching things happen to criminals byt he police. If a criminal is shot by the police i don't feel the same as if i see an innocent guy shot. Out of my control as to why i feel different. But with the beheadings a couple of years back, i can never ever understand why people would watch these by choice. Being curious doesn't answer it for me, in fact i'm pretty sure nobody will ever answer it which would result in me saying "oh right i understand now".


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Being curious doesn't answer it for me, in fact i'm pretty sure nobody will ever answer it which would result in me saying "oh right i understand now".


Fair enough, I think that's your choice. I personally am not bothered about seeing that sort of thing. I mean I wouldn't actively look for it, but then again I would probably watch it if I stumbled across it. I think people are naturally curious though - everyone likes to look at car crashes but they know they shouldn't, so most people keep their eyes forward in case they are judged by other people. I say look - it's human instinct so it's stupid to ignore it.

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Fair enough, I think that's your choice. I personally am not bothered about seeing that sort of thing. I mean I wouldn't actively look for it, but then again I would probably watch it if I stumbled across it. I think people are naturally curious though - everyone likes to look at car crashes but they know they shouldn't, so most people keep their eyes forward in case they are judged by other people. I say look - it's human instinct so it's stupid to ignore it.

Yeah i agree most people look at crahses out of curiosity, but you don't really want to see an arm on the ground next to the car and a body through the windscreen slumped over the bonnet that is covered in blood dripping down over the grille onto the floor, with his wife screaming at the side of the road while police attempt to calm her down, unsuccessfully. If you saw that, you'd quickly wish you didn't look at the crash...

If you download a video of a beheading, you know exactly what you're getting, which i don't understand. I have heard ken bigley being beheaded, much to my annoyance, in work just after it happened. It's terrible when you hear him trying to breath only to choke on his own blood. It's something i'll never forget, and wish i hadn't heard. Each to their own, but unless i'm forced into a situation, i'd prefer to avoid things like it.


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i suppose the same theory applies to fights etc? between men anyway for centuries it's been seen as entertainment especially back in the roman days where people paid to watch Christians get fed to the lions and , dogs fight bears and the rest etc.

maybe a link to our dominant gene from our earlier ancestors . . . ?

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the al jazira (however the hell you spell it) site is probably a good start although I suspect you'll still get the sanitised versions of speeches.

Might give you a clue as to the names of organisations etc. for googling. I imagine you'll have difficulties with the really good stuff though - on account of it all being in arabic n stuff.

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Been looking for ages, liveleak has some bits.

Watching people get tortured etc, dont bother me. I even watched an execution one while eating my tea to see if that had an effect, nothing.

Alot of it though will be in Arabic

Your going to be my bodyguard when i hit the jackpot,

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*claim to fame...* i watchsd the sadam hanfing and didnt feel any difgfernt, i don't thnk anythin like that effects me, ivce seen 2 vids of people capping themselvcs in the head, nothing really.

im nearly as hcore as siman...

I can take things like people capping themsleves etc. When I was in year 7, I used to look at the 'Offensive Shit' section on b0g for a laugh. But the head cutting off shit + screaming is too f**ked up for me....

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*claim to fame...* i watchsd the sadam hanfing and didnt feel any difgfernt, i don't thnk anythin like that effects me, ivce seen 2 vids of people capping themselvcs in the head, nothing really.

im nearly as hcore as siman...

your mum must be so proud...

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