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The Universe Discussion


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There was a topic a while back called "What Is At The Edge Of The Universe?, How do they know?" but i wanted to create a topic that was more specific. Earlier tonight me and my mates where having a discussion which went on for an hour and was mind blowing. I am now really interested in the whole what is the universe thing and want to get some other oponions and ideas so please post away. :)


Edited by Boswell
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ill post my thoughts tomorrow as i need sleep right now, but its not something i want to get too involved in, as after a while talking and thinking about it, you realise just how insignifcant you are.

I had this discussion with some friends before, you really shouldnt think too much of it because it will drive you crazy :P

So I don't think I will take part in the discussion.

Come on guys! If all the worlds great minds though the same as you the human race would be no where near advanced as it is today.

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There was a topic a while back called "What Is At The Edge Of The Universe?, How do they know?" but i wanted to create a topic that was more specific. Earlier tonight me and my mates where having a discussion which went on for an hour and was mind blowing. I am now really interested in the whole what is the universe thing and want to get some other oponions and ideas so please post away. :)

The thing in the sky our planet floats in. It has some other stuff in too, some big, some small... all of it expanding for reasons unknown to myself.

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I genuinly get pissed off that i won't be able to see any of the universe myself. It annoys me that i am unable to leave Earth and go exploring. Sounds weird but it is a very real annoyance to me and probably goes someway to explaining my intake of mind altering substances and love of spacey music.

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There was a topic a while back called "What Is At The Edge Of The Universe?, How do they know?" but i wanted to create a topic that was more specific. Earlier tonight me and my mates where having a discussion which went on for an hour and was mind blowing. I am now really interested in the whole what is the universe thing and want to get some other oponions and ideas so please post away. :)

You thought that was more specific than whats at the edge of the Universe? lol :lol:

Good to see more topics engaging actual brain power though. (Y)


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Are we alone in this huge amount of space?


maybe not proved yet, but just no.

we will never knoww hats on the other side of the universe. and we will NEVER be able to leave our milky way...

on that video, it says we're 100,000lightyears away from the edge of the milkyway...

Edited by terror-error
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maybe not proved yet, but just no.

But what about the huge amount of TIME in which the civilizations could have come to life and then been wiped out in.

We probably are alone *at* *this* *time*.

How do you explain how none of them have contacted us?!

There are more than 3 dimensions, time is the forth! And we a probably quite distant from our alien counterparts in all of them.

Edited by Extreme_biker0
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But what about the huge amount of TIME in which the civilizations could have come to life and then been wiped out in.

We probably are alone *at* *this* *time*.

How do you explain how none of them have contacted us?!

There are more than 3 dimensions, time is the forth! And we a probably quite distant from our alien counterparts in all of them.

Cos' they havn't found us. Why havn't we contacted them? Cos we havn't found them yet, we don't have a long enough life/ fuel etc to manage to get far enough out to contact any other planet if there is life. Maybe its the same for them? Just because there might be other life, it doesn't mean the other life is more advanced than us.

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we will never knoww hats on the other side of the universe. and we will NEVER be able to leave our milky way...

Never say never... There's always the possibility of wormholes etc to allow transport through great distances without actually travelling.

Agree on the other life thing though. No one in their right mind (actually, scrap that- retarded christians/religeous types would contest it) could think that Earth is the only planet which has created the right conditions for life. There must be millions of other planets containing life in the universe, some older more than likely far far more advanced than we can imagine.

I'm also partial to the belief that there may be an infinite number of individually universes besides our own, i.e. beyond our own universe many other big bangs occured creating other universes. Not so sure about the parallel dimension thing... that seems a bit sci-fi to me.

Also quite like (like isthe wrong word but you get me) the notion that the human race is basically a virus consuming all the resources on Earth to the point where we'll more than likely have to start colonising/infecting other planets which could sustain life...

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Also quite like (like isthe wrong word but you get me) the notion that the human race is basically a virus consuming all the resources on Earth to the point where we'll more than likely have to start colonising/infecting other planets which could sustain life...

thats a new one, i like it.

MY dads theory is...

"i think all the diffrent races on our planet have been put on this planet by diffrent species of, 'aliens', just to see how we can get along with each other, and they keep checking back on us every so often to see how we are doing..."

I want to know, how did we evolve from monkeys, when there is so many diffrent types of humans...? (white people, chinese people, indians, south africans ect...)

there isnt diffrent types of monkeys out there like us... lol, find me a white or chinese monkey and il beleive you...

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The thing with all this aliens contacting us is that the time period in which human life will exist is so minute in the great scheme of things that even if they pick up some sort of radio/light emissions from the last 50 odd years that we'd allready be dead and gone and there'd only be a decaying planet left. The chances of us finding aliens or them finding us is reduced even more with the chances of 2 civilisations existing in the same time period within traveling distance, that is unless they have the technological knowlegde in how to bend/break fundamental laws of physics.

The stuff about the multiverses or meta-universes is pretty nuts with loads and loads of possible theories, one of which is that the universe is simulated and we are living in a simulated reality that has been created by a computer model and all we see is what our intellectual capability makes of the data we are given as we can only sense visible light etc so in essence there could be kind of like a filter to what we can see and this dark matter we are assuming to exist in our universe is the true reality.

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one of which is that the universe is simulated and we are living in a simulated reality that has been created by a computer model and all we see is what our intellectual capability makes of the data we are given as we can only sense visible light etc so in essence there could be kind of like a filter to what we can see and this dark matter we are assuming to exist in our universe is the true reality.

Oh, no, wait... that was the Matrix ;)

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I want to know, how did we evolve from monkeys, when there is so many diffrent types of humans...? (white people, chinese people, indians, south africans ect...)

there isnt diffrent types of monkeys out there like us... lol, find me a white or chinese monkey and il beleive you...

There are loads types of monkey! All still interbreeding too, and therefore the same species. Just like there are different colour humans!

I agree with monkeysee about us blindly consuming all resources and 'spreading', but that is the natural order of things. Although this...

There must be millions of other planets containing life in the universe, some older more than likely far far more advanced than we can imagine.

You would assume that that advancement includes advancements in communications and travel, and that they would have used these to contact us. Therefore you are arguing *against* the existence of aliens there.

Fact is, with glodal warming and the proliferation of nuclear weapons capable of wiping us all out, our inability to co-operate on building a system to defend our planet against asteroids, etc, it is not looking too certain that we will be around much longer. You say that there are soooo many planets there should be many intelligent civilizations out there. I say, just like us, they all encounter problems somewhere along the line in their developement and wipe themselves out.

The fact they don't exist is evidence that we'll wipe ourselfs out. Is that really so outrageous? :unsure:

Zeromatt has it right:

The thing with all this aliens contacting us is that the time period in which human life will exist is so minute in the great scheme of things that even if they pick up some sort of radio/light emissions from the last 50 odd years that we'd allready be dead and gone and there'd only be a decaying planet left. The chances of us finding aliens or them finding us is reduced even more with the chances of 2 civilisations existing in the same time period within traveling distance, that is unless they have the technological knowlegde in how to bend/break fundamental laws of physics.
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