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Anyone Good With Electronics?


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Righty ho,

I'm going to attempt to make a circuit consisting of 5 LEDs, powered by a 9v battery (edit, actually I've just changed my mind, Im going to use one of these with rechargables, so infact the equivalent of a 2.4v battery apparently) . I know somewhere along the lines I need a resistor, a 100ohm one I believe. Im using these LEDs.

Gonna order the bits from maplin, but I'm stuck on the resistor. Can anyone make sense of this page? I haven't a clue how to find a 100ohm resistor on there :S



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If your sticking 5 leds in series you don't want the amount of resistance like you would for a single led, you want a resistor that allows the amount for all 5 led's. Find out how much resistance your led's need, multiply it by 5.

Or buy the superbright ones, you can stick 3 of them comfortably in series with no resistor on a 9 volt battery, sticking 5 on would dull them down slightly.

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