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Post A Weird Fact About Yourself

Captain Scarlet

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I get absolutely insane when the door isn't shut, I just keep looking at the door when its open and it annoys me as hell.

I have alot of other weird things but I can't be arsed to think what they could be :P

I am abit like that, but with other things, tis slighty obsesive compulsive :P

Mahoooosie legs (32inchs) Excuse the tape measure, could not find a normal one:

Mongy Toe:


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i can contain more liquid than any one i know. i can quite happily drink a 2 litre bottle in one go, (i.e one continous drink) in about 2 minutes, and its comfortable. if i want to be silly, ive gone through 3.5 litres of a gallon container of water in 4 minutes.

i also drink huge amounts, one day in may, i was just drinking fluids normally, not trying to be silly or push myself, from 7am to 10pm, id drank over 14 litres. and thats of regular fluid not alcoholic, so theres no diuretic affect.

i also comfortably eat a ben and jerrys tub, at my own pace, in like 2-3 minutes. my mates find that strangely wierd.

i have a totally irrational fear of knives, seeing someone cut there finger with a scalpel, makes me gag, yet i can quite happily shoot myself with air rifles, stitch up my own wounds,using a pillar drill or bench grinder to release pressure in a black nail etc. blood doesnt phase me, neither does cutting myself(not self harming, just like slipping with a knife or cutting tops of fingers off when i was a chef, or having an angle grinder flick back and take a chunk out of my thumb, can carry on working after that, but seeing someone slip with a knife or screwdriver, i have to sit down.

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i can contain more liquid than any one i know. i can quite happily drink a 2 litre bottle in one go, (i.e one continous drink) in about 2 minutes, and its comfortable. if i want to be silly, ive gone through 3.5 litres of a gallon container of water in 4 minutes.

i also drink huge amounts, one day in may, i was just drinking fluids normally, not trying to be silly or push myself, from 7am to 10pm, id drank over 14 litres. and thats of regular fluid not alcoholic, so theres no diuretic affect.

i also comfortably eat a ben and jerrys tub, at my own pace, in like 2-3 minutes. my mates find that strangely wierd.

i have a totally irrational fear of knives, seeing someone cut there finger with a scalpel, makes me gag, yet i can quite happily shoot myself with air rifles, stitch up my own wounds,using a pillar drill or bench grinder to release pressure in a black nail etc. blood doesnt phase me, neither does cutting myself(not self harming, just like slipping with a knife or cutting tops of fingers off when i was a chef, or having an angle grinder flick back and take a chunk out of my thumb, can carry on working after that, but seeing someone slip with a knife or screwdriver, i have to sit down.

Lol, you looked a bit off when I pulled out that knife when you where fixing my helicoils haha.

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I have abnormally big hands..

I get irritated when the light's on in a room, but no-ones in it.

I get annoyed when the TV's really loud. Usually when either my mum or sister is watching it, don't know why they need it that loud... I can hear it from the garage!

My eyes blink when there's sudden loud noises, but not when i'm making the noise. - Was annoying learning to play the drums, because i'd be blinking like a spastic when i'm being taught the beat, then i'm fine when I do it?

The tops of my thumbs are bent round more than usual, which makes it look like I can bend my thumbs back loads.

I have a tiny mole on my bottom lip, that looks like a splodge of oil.

Think that's it? :ermm:

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This topic seriously cracks me up! You're all F***ING WIERD! Kind of makes me feel good to be less wierd than some of you! Keep them coming though, it's quite addictive.

As for me, umm, if my hair is at just the right length it will form funny concentric circles:


Is that wierd? I can't think of anything else...

Can I just say, moles aren't actually that wierd!

And I think that blinking at sudden sounds thing is just a reflex, pretty useful one if you think about it, some people just have it more than others.

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Im double jointed in the thumb and when i yawn sometimes i launch a fine spray of saliva into the air, never seen anyone else do that?????

Ususally hungry when you do the saliva thing? Remember hearing about this in biology GCSE....

Lots of bone stuff with me: can keep "cracking" my ankles indefinately by rotating them, which is made by the sound od bone clicking off titnium pins.

Have a double jointed thumb and rib, both as a result of breaking them previously.

Can crack my 1st and 2nd set of knuckles, elbows, shoulders, knees, ankles (see above) back and chest. Never been able to do it all at the same time.

Have been tested for about 18 different mental disorders and syndromes, clearing all tests (am apparrently as sane as a button).

Am not scared of heights, but am petrified of flying.

I have never heald down a job or social commitment for more than a year.


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i have a birth mark at the top of my rib cage, bang in the centre that is a hole measureing 8mm deep.. seriously its like someone has driloed my chest

i quite often forget what i was doing, and when i remeber what i was goign to do i go to do it and its already done

i can punch a wall till all my knuckles are bleeding and still not feel it

i am ammazing with directions, not map or anything... but i remeber landmarks and get get myself home in my car from hours away so long as i retrace the route i took before

i am 1/16th welsh

i am a engineer by trade, but still strugle to remeber how many mm's in an inch, but i can remeber most clearance hole sizes for metric and imperial taps... wierd

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