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New Videhoe


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Well not released a video in about a year so thought i might aswell seen as i got some cool footage filmed the other day..

Yes i do know its mostly all drop gaps but thats just what got filmed recently lol and now i have my new front brake i can perfect front wheel moves so you will see some in the future.


In the words of mrkoxx

A sponser would be cool but not esential.

Comments welcome.



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Why would you make a 1.40 video with a 40second introduction? i mean its alright if you were making a lot longer video but i just found it really boring and uninteresting and just made it a bit... boring no offence! nice riding though some sweet drop gaps!!! hahah

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Why would you make a 1.40 video with a 40second introduction? i mean its alright if you were making a lot longer video but i just found it really boring and uninteresting and just made it a bit... boring no offence! nice riding though some sweet drop gaps!!! hahah

I didnt edit .. my friend did.. [mat-ty] on here i think.

Cheers anyway


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Why would you make a 1.40 video with a 40second introduction? i mean its alright if you were making a lot longer video but i just found it really boring and uninteresting and just made it a bit... boring no offence! nice riding though some sweet drop gaps!!! hahah

Stop you jibba jaba .video was good and the start was different.

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Why would you make a 1.40 video with a 40second introduction? i mean its alright if you were making a lot longer video but i just found it really boring and uninteresting and just made it a bit... boring no offence! nice riding though some sweet drop gaps!!! hahah

ermm, I edited the video.. You mean the whole Forever Beyond bit? Thats just something I threw together to put at the start of all the vids I do. I didn't know if people would like or not, but I suppose now I know lol.

Edit\\@ Inur: he's got a helmet now, and those were all the clips we filmed while he was in my town (apart from four of them) :)

Edited by [Mat-Ty!]
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Cheers mate... I'm 15 for those that care and been riding about 2 years.


awsome for 15 mate, keep it up and youl be the next neil t :lol:

Liked it a lot!

Get a helmet and make a longer vid :P

He was wearing a helmet for some of it, but i agree that a helmet should have been worn throught the video.

That didnt stop me loving your video though mate! You seem to ride them rails so effortlessly (if thats a word)

Keep em coming and get a longer vid (Y)

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