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Sapphrie 2600xt 256 Gddr4 Or X1950 Pro 256


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The X1950 pro is a very good card for the price, with plenty of power for any modern games.

The 2600s can only just handle DX10, but you wouldn't want to push them, they are a middle of the range card, the X1950s are the highest of the previous generation. They run cooler, they are MORE powerful, and only just a little dearer, and there are great deals if you search.

I don't think I need to say any more than this, where the 1950 clearly trounces all over the 2600,Scoring consistantly higher.

I'm not sure I could justify the 2600 by saying "it's DX10", because frankly, it's not as good for th money.

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Depends what he is using it for.

If its for media intensive applications such as decoding video etc then it is better, I have one as I use it for this.

For gaming the x1950 is better.

I would not say the 2600xt runs hotter than an x1950. From what I recall the x1950s run at like 70c+, the 2600 runs at 40c or so.

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  Team War Rider said:
Depends what he is using it for.

If its for media intensive applications such as decoding video etc then it is better, I have one as I use it for this.

For gaming the x1950 is better.

I would not say the 2600xt runs hotter than an x1950. From what I recall the x1950s run at like 70c+, the 2600 runs at 40c or so.

Where the hell did you pick that number from? I've seen people complaining because they run at 50c at idle and between 80-90c under load.

In current games at resolutions of 1280x1024 and higher the x1950pro beats both the 8600gt and the 2600xt. The effects in DX10 are barely noticeable at the minute, and the 2600 and 8600 aren't powerful enough to do dx10 justice. You'd be much better buying x1950 as its the faster card and when competant DX10 cards come around at sensible prices you can pick one up.

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go for a ATI 1950, the 2600 range are pretty useless not really providing any enhancements but only saying that they support DX10 yet the 1950 running in DX9 will give a MUCH better performance! If you want a good DX10 card then wait a bit because the 9000 range is coming soon for NVIDIA so the 8000's will reduce in price . . . .. HOPEFULLY!!:)


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  Team War Rider said:
I picked it up by checking the temperature sensor on my pc :)

If he is not using it for gaming then there is not much point in getting an X1950, if he is using it for gaming, save up some more and get an 8800 or 2900 as a lot of games are GPU intensive these days.

I take it you picked it up while the card was idle, then compared it to the x1950's full load temp.

Saving up for an 8800? You do realise that means saving another 120-140% on the cost of the x1950 :lol:, it isn't saving up some more... its doubling the price! Besides, the x1950 is still capable of holding its own in pretty much every game nowadays so the cost:performance bracket is awful with the 8800's.

Basically dude, get the x1950. The 2600xt is a pointless card intended to make sales through "on paper" features without any performance to back it up. The x1950 is the better card and with both around the same price, you'd be stupid not to.

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