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This Is Going To Sound Stupid


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i dont know i pull my front brake and do a endo and then shift my weight to the back and my front wheel comes up and i try to bounce and i just cant bounce

A mistake that begginers as us make is to try to bounce using the arms, instead of that use your legs to jump with your whole body up/backwards and just keep your arms a little bit locked.

Edited by Blitzmo
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First, don't feel shy to ask! We all had to learn this, nobody could do this from the first time... ;)

I learned my first backhops on a mountainbike. What did the thing for me was, just do a couple of bails back. So you do a lil endo, switch too much weight to the back as you end up jumping off ur bike, with ur frontwheel still in the air. Then you know how for you may go to not bail back and not bail forward. When ur at that point just try to bounce with ur legs, don't make ur hops too big, you'll wast energy, either keep 'em small but don't freeze when ur at balancing point...

See some guides at TrashZen and TrialsRide

Anyway, the main thing is just practice.. :)

If you still have questions, just add me on MSN... ;)

Grtzz, ThYp

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anyways- biggest tip i ever read was to imagine you're doing a chin up on the handlebars (Y)

Surely that implies your supposed to use your arms when your supposed to keep your arms pretty still.

Just get on the back wheel and try and jump with your legs whilst keeping your arms rigid. As if you were jumping up and down on the floor without the bike, but holding a pair of handlebars in front of you trying to keep the bars at exactly the same height in front of you. Then get on the bike and do the same thing.

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It might help to learn to lift the rear wheel on its own first, with the front wheel still on the ground, without using the front brake. Just so you get the hang of pushing backwards on the pedals.

So ride slowly forwards and try and lift the back wheel without using the front brake. You have to push off with your feet (as if you were just jumping on the ground with no bike) to shift your weight fowards a bit, and at the same time point your toes down and push your feet backwards and upwards a bit. That should lift the back wheel.

If you've got that then hopefully it will be easier to do it when you're up on the back wheel.

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