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Sh*t Sainsburies !


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No, I'm not fat, i drink rarely and i do regularly exercise.

Smoking is gay. End of.

Kearns, your grandad is blates Pete Wright, represent. Pete wright can smoke 70 cigarettes at once, 100 times a day, and can still run around the world 4 times before he nearly needs to breathe heavier.

You referring to my Grandad as been a willy ? (Because of you referring him to Pete Wright).

If so. Edit.


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seeing as you posted before i edited, i would like to say you didnt start shit either...

EDIT: why would i feel the need to say boo?

I mean as in saying everything you have said to me over here. Not as in actually saying boo.

The reason i didn't start anything was because you have been the one everytime who has started the arguements on here, myspace or whatever. So i was just waiting to see if you could use your mouth aswell in person to start something. But it was shame. You didn't have the bollox for it.


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My Grandad started smoking when he was 17. He's now 71......He isn't dead...Nor does he have cancer.

Explain ?


He is lucky, and you're sounding a bit thick, if you don't know the answer to the question you posed...

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Just argue the toss at the counter when they ask you for it.

Something like "Mate, you don't even look as old as me...So how can you even ask me for I.d ?" (If they look youunger than you).

Just argue it out.

That's really harsh. If you've ever had to refuse someone for being underage, it's actually really hard to do - no one really likes to argue so yeah a lot of people will give in because they don't want to cause a scene. So you make them feel shit, and risk them getting a big fine, just so you can have a fag? Dick.

My Grandad started smoking when he was 17. He's now 71......He isn't dead...Nor does he have cancer.

It's playing the percentages though - I bet for every person like your Grandad, there is the guy who isn't so lucky and died by his age. I am working in a cancer hospital in the lung department - if you saw how much the average patient there smoked, you'd stop. Except they only stop when it's too late and their lungs and brain are riddled with cancer.

He smokes those fake cigs you get at the joke shop?
That's the best thing I've read on here in ages :D

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"Mate, you don't even look as old as me...So how can you even ask me for I.d ?" (If they look youunger than you).

Because that is their job, they are not trying to buy cigarettes, you are.

If you look young, have a valid ID ready and you will get your fags.

Be a dick and question the person doing thier job, and you are right, 9/10 they wont serve you.

Everybody be cool, or this topic gets closed so fast you won't be able to say 'intracranial metastasis'.


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What on this planet does that mean ? :blink:

I can't even pronounce it.


It's a complication of smoking that non-smokers make up to try to rid smokers of one of the few joys they have. Sounds much worse than it is :rolleyes:

Tomm, are you a doctor?

No, I'm a medical student though. At the moment I'm working as a secretary in the hospital for some dorrah over the summer, that's why I'm working in the cancer hospital.

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I have no clue why you guys have any beef... an unvalid passport is an invalid form of ID and so ALL shops and places should if you followed the law to an absolute tee should refuse you for it. Its like a car has an MOT but when its expired it means shit-all its the same with a passport... how about you use a school bite card, or your valid passport or driving licence?

I mean yea she must have been a willy to initally refuse you but you have to accept some people are total twats.

And as for Danny. If you think shouting at people will help you get served for ciggarettes than your a f**ked up individual.. i mean yea they may end up serving you but only becuase there intimidated by you and dont feel comfortable or safe enough to deal with you.... if you ever did that to me when i work in the keosk (sp?) i wouldnt serve you... people who have beef with supplying a valid form of ID are usually the people too young with a chip on there shouder... i wouldnt serve anyone who shouts at me... i just get up lock my till an walk off... when im working i represent the company i get cushty benifits and i wouldnt risk any of that from getting the satifaction for beating the shit out of someone over a pack of ciggs just cos there too young.

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