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Mat Smith!

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Hes sent 2, yes TWO lots of parts to Matt, yet hes received fack all. Its got lost in the mail. Twice. Believe what you like, but thats what has happened. Unfortunate; yes, scamming? No.

Damon is still waiting some money from Paddy in Notts area i believe, which has also got lost in the post to him, about £60 odd a think.

Why would Tarty have anything to do with this anyway!? Or Deng!? Its his parts, that hes agreed to sell to someone. so i don't see why Tarty should cough up with some parts because its been lost.

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Hes sent 2, yes TWO lots of parts to Matt, yet hes received fack all. Its got lost in the mail. Twice. Believe what you like, but thats what has happened. Unfortunate; yes, scamming? No.

Damon is still waiting some money from Paddy in Notts area i believe, which has also got lost in the post to him, about £60 odd a think.

Why would Tarty have anything to do with this anyway!? Or Deng!? Its his parts, that hes agreed to sell to someone. so i don't see why Tarty should cough up with some parts because its been lost.

Has he got proof of postage ? if so problem solved(apart from matt being at a loss) if not then he needs to refund matt the money, i posted something and lost the receipt and therefore had to refund it and so should he

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Hes sent 2, yes TWO lots of parts to Matt, yet hes received fack all. Its got lost in the mail. Twice. Believe what you like, but thats what has happened. Unfortunate; yes, scamming? No.

Damon is still waiting some money from Paddy in Notts area i believe, which has also got lost in the post to him, about £60 odd a think.

Why would Tarty have anything to do with this anyway!? Or Deng!? Its his parts, that hes agreed to sell to someone. so i don't see why Tarty should cough up with some parts because its been lost.

It's not a case of Tarty should send out parts, it's a case of Tarty shouldn't continue to support someone with that kind of attitude towards things...

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It's not a case of Tarty should send out parts, it's a case of Tarty shouldn't continue to support someone with that kind of attitude towards things...

your an idiot, tarty/deng have NOTHING to do with this situation what so ever?

If whats said is true and its been sent twice and lost twice your both equally out of pocket. those of you who are saying he should be banned/dropped from teams I simply cannot believe how naieve you really are.

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your an idiot, tarty/deng have NOTHING to do with this situation what so ever?

Excuse me?! :blink:

Shut the f**k up

Tarty/Deng support Damon as a rider, and to advertise their businesses (that's the idea behind sponsoring riders, remember?) By continuing to support riders/assholes with the attitude to think that it's ok for things to get this out of control, then it becomes apparent that maybe he's not the right kind of person to deserve a sponsor.

If he'd sent whatever it is off recorded, with insurance and whatever other appropriate measures, he wouldn't be in this mess.

If whats said is true and its been sent twice and lost twice your both equally out of pocket. those of you who are saying he should be banned/dropped from teams I simply cannot believe how naieve you really are.

If it's still not sorted from a few weeks before 30th August, which means about 2 months or so now, then clearly he's not doing something right.

your an idiot

...you said it ;)

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Hes sent 2, yes TWO lots of parts to Matt, yet hes received fack all. Its got lost in the mail. Twice. Believe what you like, but thats what has happened. Unfortunate; yes, scamming? No.

Damon is still waiting some money from Paddy in Notts area i believe, which has also got lost in the post to him, about £60 odd a think.

Why would Tarty have anything to do with this anyway!? Or Deng!? Its his parts, that hes agreed to sell to someone. so i don't see why Tarty should cough up with some parts because its been lost.

There's no need for arguement here:


Refund him, or send them again WITH PROOF.

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I'm not sure what this has to do with us really, although I do see various people's point so I'll speak to Damon tomorrow.

same, you don't tell him what days to go out on the piss every week (or do you? :o ) or what food to eat. Damon's his own person, if he wants to rip people off then thats his business, not tarty or deng's.

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I dont really think it has much at all to do with Tartybikes, as its Damon himself that is down to what is happening, Tartybikes just happens to be associated with him, although its good to see that they've actually responded and shown interest in the thread and whats going on unlike the Damon himself... :ermm:

As for him having sent the stuff twice, like someone said you wouldve thought that, if it got 'lost' the first time, then he would send it recorded the second time to prevent it happening again, like it just allegedly happened to do so

Edited by Bondy
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I'm not sure what this has to do with us really, although I do see various people's point so I'll speak to Damon tomorrow.

It has everything to do with you guys. Your supporting someone who has clearly not supplied second hand parts to another rider and gave no explanation to why he hasn't, which is wrong (or however you want to put it..?)

This really does wind me up so i'm not going to say any more untill you have word back.

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Sponsership is becuase your company wants to be REPRESENTED by them. For there great riding abilitys in the case of tartybikes, but how can someone continue to back them when his antics off a bike are bringing the company into disrepute? i think as long as theres a connection between tarty and Damon then yea it does make a difference.....

Meh dont really wanna be much more personal than that seeing as i dont know the full circumstances :)

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It has everything to do with you guys. Your supporting someone who has clearly not supplied second hand parts to another rider and gave no explanation to why he hasn't, which is wrong (or however you want to put it..?)

This really does wind me up so i'm not going to say any more untill you have word back.

you are being a complete f**king tit

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It has everything to do with you guys. Your supporting someone who has clearly not supplied second hand parts to another rider and gave no explanation to why he hasn't, which is wrong (or however you want to put it..?

That's not fair. It's not their business what kind of a personality the rider they sponsor has.

Even if they kick him out of their team, what will that change? Damon probably won't loose anything on the deal but Tarty will.

So essentially, because Damon's turned out to be an idiot, both Tarty and Matt will lose money. That's wrong.

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But it's not personality that matters it's attitude. If damon made an effort to show that he was doing something about it then there's no reason why he should be kicked off the team. But he hasn't been able to prove he's made an effort even if he has. Which is why he needs to reply to matt directly not through some thread thats been made about him after all it's not really any of our business.

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