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mountain biker

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Hi im new to the forum and new to trials. I want to start trials because before chistmas I bought a £800 mountain bike and been once with it and my dad does not want to go any more but I love balancing and muccing around on it. my question is what size bike do I need I am 5"3 and 14? the second question is what are the bst websites to get the bikes from

want a bike quit cheap no maore than abou £300 a bit less maybe

thanks in advance

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Hey my names dave and welcombe to the trials forum :D .....Ok i my self would advise you to get what we call a mod trials bike.Mod bikes have 20 inch wheels and in my opinion are much easier to learn on .They are much flickier that what we call stock bikes.The stock bikes are the bikes witch have 26inch wheels.

For 300 pounds im pretty shure that if you gon on tartybikes.co.uk you will find something thear .

I my self ride a mod bike and im about 5feet 7 inches tall....

Any more help just ask ;)



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Hello mate welcome to the forum and i no a website but it isnt exactly cheap but here's the link www.tartybikes.co.uk it might help so surf away, and you will probably need a 20'' (mod) bike and they are easier to learn on but in the future you might be able to move up to stock bikes (26'' wheels) in the future good luck.

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Welcome, if your looking for a bike for £300 then have a look on ebay you will get alot more for your money than buying a trials bike brand new.

I recommend you look for a mod bike preferably short as this should be about right for your size.

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ok thanks and is there any good make that I should look for ?


got to go to work now :angry:

Onzas are good starter bikes theres allways a few on ebay, have a look for a t-pro you can pick one of them up for about £200.

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Onzas are good starter bikes theres allways a few on ebay, have a look for a t-pro you can pick one of them up for about £200.

I second that they are very good bikes to start on.

And welcome yeah mod will be your best bet.


Make sure you read that.

Have a look there might be riders in your area mate.



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if you are enjoying playing around on your mountin bike you may not need to invest in a new bike quite yet, i bought a bike then realised i couldnt do anything on it! I personaly think u should spend a bit of time on track stands (balancing moving very slightly), bunny hopping and rocking(one wheel at a time). You can do this on the bike you already have. Look for ryan leech on youtube alot of his instruction video is on there and will explain everything im talking about. When you find a bike you like you will already have the basics sorted, although anything more advanced will be much easier on a trials bike.

wheelies and endo's are always a classic on a mountin bike.

hope that helped. mike

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Hello their and welcome to the forum.

IF you are just starting trials then you should really look at something like a onza(t-vee,-t-pro,) which are good to learn and can be picked up for a good price on places like ebay or theirs a couple in the classified section on this forum but you will have to be validated 1st be for you can use the forum..

But if you don't have the best of budgets look out for something like a mission prodigy which are very good for new people to trials.

Also if you have a mountain bike it is good to learn some tricks on them be for you buy another bike like mentioned.

Hope i had helped you with your troubles if you have anymore questions please tell me.

Thank you,


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