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Monty Vs Adamant Vs Tensile

jsy trials matt

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hi, wanting to get a new freewheel for around 40 pound i have seen the top for this money are the tensile and the monty 6-pawl, i am not sure which to get but i have also been offered a try all 108.9 second hand for 20 i am stuck with what to get please help

i also need a new rear hub and i would like to know what will last longer out of a deng cnc hub, a viz non disc screw on or a 07 monty disk (dont care that is a disk as frame cant run dual disk anyway) they are a simmalar price but would like a bit of advise on what to get as cracked my try all one, all comments welcome.


jsy matt

Edited by jsy trials matt
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The best freewheel you can buy in your price range is probably the try-all or even maybe the tensile. I would go for the try-all as there is loads catchpoints which means better response from the cranks. If your going to buy one, try to find a newly used one - this will probably be in the 40quid range which is perfect for you. I bought one off here not long ago for around 40quid and since ive had it, hasn't skipped once and would definitly recommend.

Unless you want a brand new freewheel, go for the tensile as theyre quite cheap, have a good amount of catchpoints : 60. However tensiles do skip sometimes but then again most freewheel will after a while. If you can get one, which you will be lucky to find one - try to buy an ENO , I no theyre like 80quid new, but I saw one on here go with a monty crank arm for 30 quid so you mite be lucky.

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Get the Monty. I've sold over 65 of them over here and there hasn't been a single complaint yet (some have been used for 8+ months). On the other hand, I know people who have had severe problems with Tensile and Try-All freewheels. I know some of you Tensile lovers will disagree, they're damn fine freewheels but that's what I've heard my customers tell me and those are the facts my opinion is based upon.

edit: one last thing, never buy used freewheels unless it's an ENO... oh and 221Ti hubs are 106mm, not 110 like the deng ones.

Edited by Inur
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"I know some people who have had severe problems with Tensile freewheels"

This is complete hearsay and attempted product smearing by a competitor without giving any hard evidence.

Fact. We haven't had a distributor in Poland until this week,when www.trials.pl took their first delivery.

Fact. We have never sold one to customer in Poland but I cannot of course say that Tarty or others may not have done so.

Fact. Approaching 5000 made with absolute miniscule returns.

Fact. Now fitted as standard original equipment on four leading trials bike manufacturers.

Fact. Fully serviceable and all parts available.

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I have had a Tensile freewhell for 8 months now and it hasnt skipped once.

Whereas i have heard many stories about Try-All freewheels skipping like a schoolgirl on LSD.

I would either go for a Tensile, or a second hand ENO (Y)

Edited by elcristoff-t-pro
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"I know some people who have had severe problems with Tensile freewheels"

This is complete hearsay and attempted product smearing by a competitor without giving any hard evidence.

Fact. We haven't had a distributor in Poland until this week,when www.trials.pl took their first delivery.

Tensile freewheels were imported from biketrialstation by the VIZ and Aorta distributor. There have been many sold in Poland. I'm also talking about facts but sorry, couldn't be arsed to give any solid evidence as it would take me quite a while to contact these people. Even then, you'd probably say I've made up their opinions - and all that just to prove you wrong?

Finally, if you really think I posted true information about some freewheels braking down just to reduce your sales in the uk or even this end, you're completely wrong. Why would I do that? A question was asked so I answered it. Do you mean to say the only correct answer to this question is "get a Tensile"?

Get a life man...

edit: post edited, was apparently a bit harsh.

Edited by Inur
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Surprisingly enough to you, I do have an excellent life. My objection is that somebody like you who admits to selling at a profit, Monty freewheels, comes on an open forum and criticises competing products. I am quite happy for you to praise your Monty freewheels as much as you want. It is however very unprofessional to then present vague references to what you have admitted is hearsay about ours and other products, as "facts" without any hard evidence.

I have plenty of information about broken parts of our competitors but I would never use it to try and smear their products.

Once you start selling parts and making money out of your fellow trials riders, you lose the basis for making reasoned and unbiased comments about competing products.

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I have had a Tensile freewhell for 8 months now and it hasnt skipped once.

Whereas i have heard many stories about Try-All freewheels skipping like a schoolgirl on LSD.

I would either go for a Tensile, or a second hand ENO (Y)

Couldn't have put it better myself. Apart from the ENO bit.

My mate has two try-alls on lsd, another mate has got a second hand ENO on lsd, my Tensile is 9 months old and has never skipped. Ever.

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I myself do not officially represent any company and definitely don't run a shop in the normal meaning of that word. So instead of treating me as one of your competitors, try to understand that I'm just a rider like the majority of people who have posted in this topic, and as a rider I have my opinions which are based on what I find better/worse (or the feedback I receive) and not on what I sell/don't sell.

As for the lack of evidence, you haven't posted any either. And although I've found a few pics, I won't post them here because that will only prolong this argument.

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My opinion would be to wait and get a brand new try all. I love mine and it never skips. Once since i've had it i think. My mates eno skips more than mine! he does do bigger stuff than me though. I have never had to take it off but they are a b*****d to get off so i hear, so thats a downfall. Up to you though really.

As for the hub i use a rear viz. nothing to complain about there. But i havent used the others your considering.

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Monty freewheel is so incredibly underated.

I run one for about 4 months now, and It has only skipped like 7 times, and that was in the first few hours when it needed bedding in.

I don't notice a significant difference between an eno and monty freewheel aswell.

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Sorry, but i feel this needs to be pointed out.....

"I know some people who have had severe problems with Tensile freewheels"

This is complete hearsay and attempted product smearing by a competitor without giving any hard evidence.

Fact. We haven't had a distributor in Poland until this week,when www.trials.pl took their first delivery.

Fact. We have never sold one to customer in Poland but I cannot of course say that Tarty or others may not have done so.

Get the Monty. I've sold over 65 of them over here and there hasn't been a single complaint yet (some have been used for 8+ months). On the other hand, I know people who have had severe problems with Tensile and Try-All freewheels. I know some of you Tensile lovers will disagree, they're damn fine freewheels but that's what I've heard my customers tell me and those are the facts my opinion is based upon.

Its not hearsay at all, you may want to look up the meaning of the word. If it was hearsay he'd have said something like "my friend told me he knoes someone who's tensile broke". Fact is he said he knows people who've had problems, they may even have been his riding mates and he may even have seen the broken parts first hand. He didn't disclose further and more detailed information and without such definition it can't be called hearsay. Don't get me wrong, i know what you meant, but its irritating when people use words incorrectly.

How can you say he's attempting to smear the name of your product when he's said "they're damn fine freewheels"?

And to be fair, you've not posted up "any hard evidence" either, its just what you've said. I'm sure most people will take your "facts" with a pinch of salt as you'd hardly slate your own company and from what we can see theres nothing to back up what you've said, much in the same way your having a go at inur for doing.

Selling 65 Monty freewheels sounds like a shop to me . Or are you perhaps a charity and sold them on at cost price .

Sounds like someone selling a load of freewheels to me, not a shop.

I'm not trying to say the tensile freewheels are bad, i've never used one. From what i've heard, the majority of people are fairly impressed with them. It just seems like this has all been blown out of proportion and needs to be pointed out.

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I got a monty freewheel about 2 weeks ago, and all its done is skip, but its ok because when it does skip, its got so much engagement that the next click is never far away :P i am going to try a new lube or something in the freewheel and see how it goes, but i gotta be careful not to void the warranty :S anyway, i rekon get a tensile as i have heard many good things about those.

Also i would say get a PIMP white monty hub, i have one and its awsome :D im a very satisfied customer :lol:

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This also is my last word on this post.

It was not me who came on this thread saying, Get a Tensile, we have sold thousands and I have heard bad reports on Monty and Tryall. I would never do that as it would be discourteous and bad practice towards our competitors. For that reason the facts I presented do not need evidence. The evidence I presented as facts is ,however, all here available in my office if anyone cares to dispute it.

Secondly, is it seriously being suggested that all he sells is Monty freewheels.

Thirdly, 65 premium priced freewheels is a lot of freewheels and I would suggest that very few, if any, shops would sell that many freewheels of one model, in that price bracket in 10 months.

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Tensile, good. Cheap, never skips. What more can you want?

Try-All, Eno, ACS Claw, I have used them all. They all skip occasionally or frequently in the Try-Alls case.

I have never used a Monty. Wouldn't need too either, my Tensile is still going strong.

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Secondly, is it seriously being suggested that all he sells is Monty freewheels.

Thirdly, 65 premium priced freewheels is a lot of freewheels and I would suggest that very few, if any, shops would sell that many freewheels of one model, in that price bracket in 10 months.

I don't know what he sells, but he clearly isn't a shop. If he can pick up the monty freewheels from somewhere and gets them cheaper due to import tax or whatever reason its not that hard to imagine how he can sell 65 of them, especially if he can sell them at a profit while still being cheaper than most online shops. Postage for a freewheel won't be a lot so i'd imagine he can easily send them worldwide.

I bought a bulk load of CD's a few years back from a company liquidation sale. I then proceeded to sell every single one of the 1000 cd's i'd bought in a space of 18 months. These were individual high quality sony ones retailing at £2 per disc... none of this 100 discs for £10 crap. I sold a lot and made a nice profit, however despite probably selling more than most shops would sell i was still just an individual selling a crap load of cd's.

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