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T-mag Brake Disc Scratching


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Ok this sounds like your disc rotor is rubbing on the brake pads.What you need to do is.

1st. Put your bike up side down. Undo the front wheel bolts till they are loose though to take the wheel out .

2nd.Spin your rim in the forks and tighten up one bolt a little and then the other side a little. repeat this untill brake runs with out rubbing while the wheel is still moving.

That should sort your problem out.



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I have a magura louise and it rubs all the time, if it does'nt slow you down or make that much of a noise just learn to live with it or if you can be bothered true it(straighten it). If you want a disk break that does'nt rub get a avid BB7 they have a huge gap between the pads.

Edited by Boswell
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