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A Few Quick Tips


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Hi Everyone, Im Vee

I am new on this forum but have seen alot of good things from it,

I just thought i would write a quick guide for some of the beginner riders out there that want a sort of bump start, which should help them improve alot quicker (well it helped me! haha)

The trackstand, i had a few problems learning this and what i found best was to find a slight uphill slant to practise on, or even a curb works really well.

You should try to keep your shoulders square over the handlebars which is where a few people go wrong.

Backwheel control, this was my main problem when starting out so i hope this helps abit.

When You're learning to pedal hop, instead of just trying to hop forward as many times as you can.

Try and do a few pedal hops and then a few backwheel hops (static) and then a few more pedal hops.

Gradually you will be able to make different combinations of this sort of thing and you will mainly have alot better control over the backwheel than i did when i first started.


Hopefully these few tips would help some of the riders that are just starting out in trials

Goodluck to all of them!!


p.s. If there are any other tips people would like to add please do so, or if anyone needs any help with trials just say the word.

Edited by Vee
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