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Dengura And Echo Brakes


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Hello all, this might sound like a fairly strange or dumb question. Are Dengura brakes different from the Echo CNC ones that you can buy from tarty, or are they the same? It just seems like Dengura is slang for them, from what i have found. I can't seem to find out, people always talk about "Denguras" but im not that sure on what they are.

Cheers, Dom.

Edited by Domo131
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An Echo brake is Deng's magura, therefore: Dengura.

More to the point, aside from the price tag, what's the differecne between a Maggy and Deng's brake?

CNC'd bodies instead of shitty cast alu.

Longer lever blades for better leverage.

Hose is closer to the bar to keep it out the way.

Smaller pistons so you don't catch your ankles, and so the pads can be slighty further away, and you'll still get the same lever pull as a Magura set up closely.

Kevlar lined hosing. - A lot stronger and gives you less flex.

Think that's it?

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I've not said it before, but am I the person who came up with the name dengura?

I remember mentioning it in a thread AGES ago about them, and not seeing it before then. not that it matters, like.

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CNC'd bodies instead of shitty cast alu.

Longer lever blades for better leverage.

Hose is closer to the bar to keep it out the way.

Smaller pistons so you don't catch your ankles, and so the pads can be slighty further away, and you'll still get the same lever pull as a Magura set up closely.

Kevlar lined hosing. - A lot stronger and gives you less flex.

Think that's it?

Echo pads instead of Magura

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I've not said it before, but am I the person who came up with the name dengura?

I remember mentioning it in a thread AGES ago about them, and not seeing it before then. not that it matters, like.

I think so - can kinda remember it

Echo pads instead of Magura

Meh. Still not the same as plazas.

All these changes, make the brake sound easier to use and live with but I still don't think some design revisions and a bit of CNC really cover the price of one...

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CNC'd bodies instead of shitty cast alu.

Longer lever blades for better leverage.

Hose is closer to the bar to keep it out the way.

Smaller pistons so you don't catch your ankles, and so the pads can be slighty further away, and you'll still get the same lever pull as a Magura set up closely.

Kevlar lined hosing. - A lot stronger and gives you less flex.

Think that's it?

Damn I hate when that happens.

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CNC'd bodies instead of shitty cast alu.

Longer lever blades for better leverage.

Well, a couple of days ago a mate of mine bent the lever and the lever body of his Echo brake as if it was made of plastic. I'm pretty sure he'd snap a Magura lever if he had one but the deng brake is clearly not super strong.

I don't understand how people stress "CNC" when talking about parts and their benefits. While this technology might be a very valuable for cutting out ie. high performance engine blocks, for bikes it's pretty much just a gimmick.

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I don't understand how people stress "CNC" when talking about parts and their benefits. While this technology might be a very valuable for cutting out ie. high performance engine blocks, for bikes it's pretty much just a gimmick.

I agree, and also on alot of parts the quality of the finish is pritty poor, i got a bash and you could see the lines from when the cutter had been cutting it out on cnc machineand they had made not attempted to give it a good finish. I think the finsh on quite alot of deng products are poor but the can get away with it becuase people just hear the words cnc and think that must make it better and think that its a quality part. Also i dont believe deng does enough testing, and some parts are rushed into production to compete with others by just getting them on the market such as the freewheels and the freehubs and i believe they have revised and changed something on the brake aswell.

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Dont forget the fact that ALL the hose fittings onthe dengura are the same, unlike the magura. So if you bust one cylinder you can just use any cylinder unlike at the weekend where my mate had a very very lazy piston and the only spare slave I had was the wrong side and as it was not universal fitting hoses could not use it.

When you actually buy one and own it the differrences in price become clearer. The fact you are getting some nice mounts worth £25 and some pads worth £15 with the brake pretty much makes the rest of the main brake not too much more expensive compared to the magura. Its £70 for a single magg and £135 for a single dengura, its like the BB7 vs Mono Trial, is it worth the extra money for a bit of CNC and a few extra nice design ideas ???

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Well, not really, unless it turns you on. Looking at the practical side of it, what benefits does a fully CNC brake give over a normal one? Certainly not durability from what I've seen.

I've got a Maggie with Coustsinks, my friend has a Dengura. Out of the two, my brake works far better, and I've only spent ~55 pounds on a new brake, brake pads and clamps. The Dengura is about 100, so not only do you get a better brake that won't start leaking after a week, but save enough to buy a BB7 or something.

If deng wasn't so thick as to introduce these brakes and then say "well sorry but these brakes are full of aluminum leftovers in the system that scratch the pistons and cause the brake to leak" i'd probably justify getting one of these. But it's just another overpriced deng disaster like freewheels and freehubs.

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you are getting some nice mounts worth £25 and some pads worth £15 with the brake

'Worth' is a relative term though. I think that £25 for some coloured bits of aluminium is very steep. I can guarantee that they don't cost Deng anything like £25 to make... Fair enough if you were going to buy a brand new Magura, then some colourful mounts at the same time. But most people don't do that, and the mounts aren't something they would necessarily buy.

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Smaller pistons so the pads can be slighty further away, and you'll still get the same lever pull as a Magura set up closely.

now now dan, stop making stuff up, and do a bit of physics before posting silly things :)

a smaller slave cylinder would give a brake with less power. as pressure = force/area

so if you make the slaves bigger, the total pressure exerted by the slaves on the rim goes down.

this is why the RB lever had a 13mm master cylinder instead of the standard magura 14mm. both the hs33 and echo cnc brake have 14mm master cylinders and 14mm salve cylinders.

the units in which the slaves are cast have a smaller body though, which as you said stops you catching your ankles quite so much.

If deng wasn't so thick as to introduce these brakes and then say "well sorry but these brakes are full of aluminum leftovers in the system that scratch the pistons and cause the brake to leak" But it's just another overpriced deng disaster

could you explain that one Inur? my deng brake has always leaked a little bit, and god knows why but i havnt sent it back..... if theres a genuine batch problem with the brakes, id like to know about it, so i can have a word with tarty about a replacement. i have to bleed mine after every ride of more than 4 hours, and it even leaks out all on its own if i leave the bike to stand for a week! yet i cant find the leaked fluid anywhere :(

also, the TPA on the echo CNC brake is an AWFUL design, and when you apply more than a few threads of TPA, the plunger is allowed to twist, and when pulling the lever back, it chews itself up a treat. not nice.

all this aside, i LOVE the brake. the lever feel is lovely, and i much prefer having some proper cncd alloy working to stop my back wheel spinning. it matches my front hope perfectly, and the slave and lever body design is spot on. its just the TPA and fludi leaking issues that hold it back :(

i dont think id go back to an hs33 now for sure.

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Basically the levers and pistons weren't cleaned properly after being machined so many brakes have aluminum filings floating around in the brake fluid. Obviously if they get anywhere near the pistons, they'll scratch the bushings and seals causing the brake to leak. The new batch should be ok since they have now introduced some kind of quality control.

Anyway, Deng admitted to his mistake so (at least over here) all the faulty brakes shall be replaced and I'm sure Tarty will replace yours as well - after all Deng is funding the replacement, not retailers.

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My TPA works fine, it does not leak, no lazy pistons or anything, lever feels solid etc.

as much as your a lovely guy, and i hate to shoot you down.

your wrong.

if your using the original echo brake TPA, it does NOT work as it should. chances are your so fussy about brake setup being perfect, that your lucky enough not to have found this out yet! once your pads wear down a bit, and you HAVE to run a few threads worth of TPA just to get your prefered lever feel, the plunger will rotate and start to destroy the lever blade. unless the lever had been redesigned sinse i got mine a 3 months ago, then every brake out there will do it.

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