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Grant Hundley

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it depends what songs your in to don't just put some heavy metal song in because someone told you to, its your video i would just choose something you like but if you have a fast pace video i would choose a fast past song, or lots of slow motion choose a slightly slower song.


Edited by mission1
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it depends what songs your in to don't just put some heavy metal song in because someone told you to, its your video i would just choose something you like but if you have a fast pace video i would choose a fast past song, or lots of slow motion choose a slightly slower song.


I dont want heavy metal....i want something that starts slow then gets going after about 20 seconds or so

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it all depends on your riding style dude, if you are a slow sort of rider then slow hip hop or rock would be could but if you are more of a quick rider you should try using faster beat music like dance music sort off thing. i tend to use more slow rock as it seems to suit my syle of riding. also, try to vary your music in diffferent videos other wize you tend to edit the same and some people like varied videos. (Y):turned:

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