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f**kkk.. Just Deleted Something By Accident.

Joe Papasnap Maher

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You can do it. Back in the days of Windows 3.1 there was a program included in Windows called 'undelete' which does exactly what you need. Then when the recycle bin was invented, they stopped including undelete, which is a shame.

Basically, when you delete something, Windows only deletes the 'link' (in the File Allocation Table, or FAT) to that bit of data on the hard drive. I.e. it says it's not there but it really is - although most of your programs etc can't see it. Obviously, new files can be copied on top of these 'deleted' one. Therefore it's quite important that you don't copy ANYTHING to the hard drive before you've recovered your stuff - otherwise it could get overwritten. Try not to install any software unless you are sure it will work, and install it to another drive if possible.

Data recovery firms only charge silly money when they need to disassemble a drive (in sterile conditions) and rebuild it etc. All you need is a simple piece of software. Like a lot of other people though, I can't tell you where to find that software :(

Try this Joe


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