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Attack Of The Hooded Youths!


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so there we were me and my mate, just riding minding our own, all of a sudden we have bottles being hurled at us from about 20 hooded youths <_< so we decided to grab out bags and leave when one of the bottle landed by my foot, of course having shorts on it fragmented and a piece was lodged in my shin :angry: so we headed off and were now being chased, we finally lost them in a housing estate.

Has anything like this ever happened to you?

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yep onza tee-vees are pretty cool

I was expecting something more violent than a bleeding shin, that sort of stuff has happened to most people.

what pisses me off is a few of these asian lads that always want to start trouble when theyre in groups, when theres a load of them theres always a couple who say theyd knock your teeth out and all that, but to be fair if they were on their own and said that, theyd f**kin die.

Edited by afroman
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