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Hangover Cures

The Duck

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When i get home from a night out i have a bit of an eating session and for some reason need to drink a lot. I'll usually come back and eat a load of ham slices, some lettuce and any other quick snack food that might be lying around in the fridge. As for the drink... well its usually around 2 pints of milk before i feel i can stop guzzling it like my life depends on it, then i'll get a glass of milk and take that to bed with me.

Never have a hangover when i do that. Funnily enough, when my friend does it he doesn't either ;)

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Ive looking into this a lot because I have absolute killer hangovers all the time (e.g. yesterday i spent the whole day vomming). i hate those people who can wake up feeling fine (normally girls lol)

Hangovers are infact NOT all down to dehydration and loss of electrolytes, which could be sorted simply by downing lots of water and lemonade-y stuff

theres a lot more to it- if you check out some of the latest hangover-preventative pills and things you can buy (they work but I can't afford to use them all the time, they're bloody expensive) a lot of them have certain carbon-based ingredients which attatch themselves to the congeners/impurities found in your drink, which is left as a product of fermentation and often gives some drinks their flavour. Because this is done inside your stomach, absorbtion of it into ur blodstream can be prevented, but the alcohol is still absorbed. It really works- you don't get hungover this way, even though you can still get very drunk

So basically this means that in a way the above is partially true- there is no real hangover cure, only preventatives such as pills or drinking water to avoid the dehydration part, etc.

One thing you can do though is get your blood flowing so youre body can work faster at kicking those congeners out, e.g. sticking out the rough feeling and going for a jog. Im often not feeling upto it, but it does seem to work much, much faster on days when I have!

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throwing up when walking home. getting home and eating all kinds GOOD foods like fruits, nuts, proper food. kebabs make my mouth taste horrible in the morning. also loads of water or any other drink.

i also take resorb, which is basically electrolyte. it's got magnesium, potassium and sodium.

then i try to sleep.

wake up feeling OK-ish, i just eat and drink as much as i can, as well as going out in the fresh air. works wonders.

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dont drink so much the night before? :P

when i've had hangovers, which isn't often. i just drink loads of water!

i usually just feel a bit rough!

i hear a good one is to go to a sauna!

If people are correct saying a hang over is partly from dehydration, i would think going to a sauna is the last think you want to do. You will end up dieing.

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Ah no not the sauna, sometimes I find if I get up and have a warm shower I have to be sick...

Water as everyone has said, and in the morning, get outside! If possible, go for a swim somewhere cold too.

Have some fruit as well, I heard that fructose metabolises alcohol better than glucose does.

Edited by Tommy d
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I go for downing as much of a litre bottle of water that ive thoughtfully put out at my bedside before i go to sleep. Then when i first wake up ill go down to my kitchin and get sum orange juice to drink then hed back to bed and try to sleep the da away. Or drinking again gets rid of the feeling but i never start drinking till about 7 so thats not much use.

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