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Why Are There So Many Retarded Drivers On The Road :@


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Just gone for a shite ride and set off home, im going through a town behind a lorry and its stopping often because its quite narrow and other knobheads are pulling out infront of it. Next thing it stops again, i presume its to either let a car out or one through. THEN a transit just flies past me from behind and the other cars and im think "wtf are they doing?!" Then I look back infront and the lorry has turned the engine off and walked out, NOT EVEN PARKED :angry: no indication nothing. So i have to reverse a bit and overtake him.

Then I get to a roundabout and the guy infront is going pretty slow, about 20mph. This roundabout isn't tight at all and to my astonishment he decides to go EVEN SLOWER so I have to brake. Now hes started on the inside lane (meaning hes turning off after straight on), then wanders to the outside lane, so i presume hes going left or straight on, but NO he cuts back infront of me and goes right :angry: I didn't speed up because I knew that he/she could't drive for shit so I should keep my distance. But im beginning to wonder if theres something I've actually missed out here that says "oh btw, just forget everything you learned and do what you want on the road"

And this is just one journey, I've seen so many idiots on the road. Admittedly when I passed my test I was lax, but now seeing some of the close misses I've encoutnered I stick to them so much more (N) but it just takes the piss WHY these people are still alive.

any similar stories?

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But im beginning to wonder if theres something I've actually missed out here that says "oh btw, just forget everything you learned and do what you want on the road"

I was quite clearly told by the DSA examiner as he was signing my pass certificate that I was now free to do whatever I wanted on the road.

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Sucks, doesn't it?

On a 10 minute drive the other day I had some idiot pull out in front of me on a roundabout (I was on the roundabout, turning right, indicating etc)

Bloke had his family in the car, and when I used the horn to save me getting rammed he decided to finally look right and notice I was there, before shouting/swearing at me (again, young kids in the car...)

Just after this, some bloke in a camper decides to drive in the middle of the road (as in, wheels both sides of the white lines in the centre of the road) causing numerous cars to pull onto the curb to avoid him

However, living out in country lanes means I get so many shite tourist drivers that you start to take their crap driving for granted

I regularly reverse up to half a mile due to the idiot who can't go back 5 yards or so.

I draw the line, however, at the people who are so scared of getting within 3 foot of a hedge, especially those you wave for me to go back as above, in a "look down their nose and think they're better than everyone" kind of way.

This usually leads me to one of the following;

a. Give them the same treatment back

b. Pull into the middle of the road myself, turn of the engine, and pull out a magazine/paper

c. Keep on driving until they realise I'm not going to stop for them

d. Pull right up to a few inches off their bumper, and tell them that if they don't learn to drive properly, they won't have a car to drive badly

The odd one or two isn't so bad, but when 90% of the cars you meet are like it, it builds up!

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some daft woman reversed into a main road round the corner from me ploughing straight into the side of my mates clio, absolutely butchered it!

she was going to pic her son up as he'd just had a crash too

oh the irony of it all !

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Bah you can complain as much as you want about bad drivers but the isle of wight will beat ANYWHERE... old retired people average age 77 coupled with young chav knob heads along side tourists in the summer and around the island bus tours = f**king road death.

Its crazy.. literally.. how the f**k i havent been killed by someone elses driving is pure luck

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The worst time to drive is during the day on minor roads, or at weekends on the motorway. It's shockingly bad. The thing that annoys me most of all are the hoards of complete idiots that just sit in the middle lane of the motorway even when the left hand lane is empty. Second to that are the thick or selfish people that actually thing it's a good idea to undertake.

As with so many systems in this world, it only takes the few to completely ruin it for everyone else.

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Then I get to a roundabout and the guy infront is going pretty slow, about 20mph. This roundabout isn't tight at all and to my astonishment he decides to go EVEN SLOWER so I have to brake. Now hes started on the inside lane (meaning hes turning off after straight on), then wanders to the outside lane, so i presume hes going left or straight on, but NO he cuts back infront of me and goes right :angry: I didn't speed up because I knew that he/she could't drive for shit so I should keep my distance.

Probably 'she', probably old.

The thing that does my nut is hesitant drivers. If I'm on my bike, and some old dear comes up behind me and can't decide whether or not to overtake me. So she just goes behind me for a bit, and then changes her mind and tries to go around, but by this point she's going slow and a car comes around the corner - meaning she has to cut me up. Whereas if she'd just been confident in the first place and carried on past there wouldn't have been a problem.

Actually hesitant/shy people annoy me in general - it does them no favours in life.

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The thing that annoys me most of all are the hoards of complete idiots that just sit in the middle lane of the motorway even when the left hand lane is empty.

My friend does exactly that! He is such a bad driver its an embaressment! For some reason when we pull onto the motorway he pulls straight over into the middle lane... God only knows why! I end up having a go at him all the time!

How we haven't died at his incompetent driving capabilities is beyond me!


We was driving down a country lane once. A nice sunny day and we came round the corner and off in the distance about 200 yards ahead was a one lane bridge with on coming cars going across it...

We was travelling at about 60 and as we neared the bridge there was a quite a queue of cars coming across the bridge so we'd have to slow down and if need be stop to allow the cars to come through. Ohhhhhh noooooo, not with my friend! He carries on driving at 60 and we storm across this bridge at the same time as a Range Rover! Me and my friend reece screamed for him to stop but yeah. I have no idea how but we got across that bridge unscathed! He didn't even realise what he'd done!!! (Wanker!!!) We had a right go at him after that as well!

He such a poor driver though. Pulls out on other people and everything! Complete fanny!

Edited by College Boy
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My friend does exactly that! He is such a bad driver its an embaressment! For some reason when we pull onto the motorway he pulls straight over into the middle lane... God only knows why! I end up having a go at him all the time!

How we haven't died at his incompetent driving capabilities is beyond me!


We was driving down a country lane once. A nice sunny day and we came round the corner and off in the distance about 200 yards ahead was a one lane bridge with on coming cars going across it...

We was travelling at about 60 and as we neared the bridge there was a quite a queue of cars coming across the bridge so we'd have to slow down and if need be stop to allow the cars to come through. Ohhhhhh noooooo, not with my friend! He carries on driving at 60 and we storm across this bridge at the same time as a Range Rover! Me and my friend reece screamed for him to stop but yeah. I have no idea how but we got across that bridge unscathed! He didn't even realise what he'd done!!! (Wanker!!!) We had a right go at him after that as well!

He such a poor driver though. Pulls out on other people and everything! Complete fanny!

Bet it's pretty funny when you're in the car with him though, surely?

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Funny i should see this thread today, maybe it was a sign :lol:

I was walking home from wilko's and two cars both tried going down the narrow high street road with a car parked at the roadside. The one on my side of the road got scared and trived to swerve out the way of the other car, which resulted in them bouncing up the curb and driving on the path. Luckily i heard the squeal as the tyre hit the curb turned round and managed to jump onto someones garden wall but they drove exactly where i'd been standing a few moments before.

The c*** didn't even stop to apologise for nearly hitting me either... they just speeded up and drove off.

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I was riding to the office the other day and a woman pulled out in front of me... (Bohemia road at the bottom - you'll know it's a fast road downhill on a bike if you're from Hastings)

I had to slam both brakes on and swerve.

Again, not even recognition that she'd done it.

Is it that they don't care, or are they genuinely stupid?

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Is it that they don't care, or are they genuinely stupid?

Genuinely stupid. Some stupid bint cut me up (pulled out in front of me without looking) and I ended up skidding on my road bike about 2 ft from her back bumper. It was a nice powerslide, and I avoided her. But if she's even looked in her mirror at any stage, she would have seen me.

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