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The Actual New 221 Ti?

Barbara Logan-Price

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lol thats really not it, it looks to me like a custom frame and due to the tiny stem im guessing its designed for a child, Prob had it custom made to suit the child

edit. look at the welding, thats not a production frame, the weldings terrible

Edited by chrishayton
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I wonder who own it seeing as it has 'scottish trial' stickers.

I'd be suprised if it wasn't a monty, as it's been built of almost entirley of monty componentry. grips, stem, headset and BB might not be monty, but the rest seems to be, even down to the snail cams.

It's not impossible that someone independant made it and put full monty spec on it, but i'd say it's unlikely. Fair enough those welds at the head tube look huge, but at the bottom bracket/downtube, its tidier. I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of it being a monty proto based on welds alone, if it is indeed a proto that could help explain it.

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