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This Scared That S**t Out Of Me.


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Dont go to Australia if you think that spider is big :lol:

I didnt see as many spiders as I was expecting to see out in Oz. I saw Red Backs in the zoo's but not in the wild, they are tiny, keep your eye out for Orb Spiders and Huntsmen (Y)

Here is a picture of the Orb spider in the rafters of a loo in the outback, from memory I guess it was around 5" in size...


Its a shame I didn't have my camera with me when a hairier tarantula like spider walked across the table while we were eating dinner at the cattle station :(:P

EDIT: Here is pictures from a google search to give you a rough idea of how big it was:


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Sweet mother of jesus. I dont know what shocks me more, the size of those bastards or what Fatty just said, its as if he has morals? :unsure:

My bets are someones hacked into his account, seen the crap he writes and the only way of making him look bad is to make him sound like a pussy.

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The remains of one of them big f**kers is still on the wall above where im sitting now haha.

Scared the shit outta me, was mid wank when i saw it aswell. They live behind my computer, hate putting my feet under the desk lol

This one was about the size of a CD with legs an all.

I kill em on sight, lobbing deodrant cans at them is best, gives them a workout before being smushed haha

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in singapore there was a spider on its web about the size of my head! it was dam big.

I love spiders though, they are awesome, except the nasty bastards like the recluse spider, black widow, funnel web and wandering spider (<most deadly in the world) they are nasty!

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Do you not think it makes your house look untidy when you have like 10 massive spider webs in the corners of every wall with a massive spider on it?

Putting them outside isnt helping either... alot more things will kill it than a human... also they cant live outside... lol

Didnt know they can jump though :S you sure its a house spider? and not a jumping spider? :S id be scared if it is... poisonous :P

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That's pretty much all I have to say about this thread.

Ha ha, good one mark <_<

Didnt know they can jump though :S you sure its a house spider? and not a jumping spider? :S id be scared if it is... poisonous :P

Yes, i can tell a house spider when i see one. Besides, it lives under the fireplace.. not in the corner, and theres only one not 10.

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My Ex Girlfriend used to live in an Oast House, and our bedroom was under the spire. Spiders are known for liking cold, damp and dingy places. Well right above our room was this. I remember one night waking up at about 3am after something hit my head. I rolled over and the girlfriend had a look of terror on her face. I'd woken up with a HUGE spider on my forehead. Not this wasn't a big Spider, this was enormous!!!! It was the total size of my hand! The body was a fairly decent size, but the legs took it to the size of my total hand. I woke up the entire house when I screamed, and the spider soon suffered a quick death though!! Girlfriend made me move the bed to a different location after that!!!

This was before the Hornet Incident, a completely different story.........


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