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Forks.....whats Better


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What do you mean by high rise/low rise?

I didn't think there was a lot of variation in the heights of trials forks. You're not using suspension are you?

no not usin sus.....my mad forkshav a big gap between the tyre and the start of the stearer tube but echo1s only have a small gap...

sorry...get what i mean now

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Are you riding a saracen mod bike? If so i think you find its not the gap between the stearer tube and the tyre its the weight of the forks.They weigh a lot!

I would get a pair of echo lites.


Aren't they mod forks, he rides a stock.

Echo urbans are pretty good, 800 and something grams, take a beating to snap.

Either way if you want lower rise, just get a lower rise stem or take some spacers off, although it won't make a huge amount of difference, niether will new forks.

Edited by afroman
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Are you riding a saracen mod bike? If so i think you find its not the gap between the stearer tube and the tyre its the weight of the forks.They weigh a lot!

I would get a pair of echo lites.


i guess it mite not make a huge difference but it means i can get the front end up higher with the front end lower....

i have riden my mates echo pure and he has a low front end and i work alot better with it so what r the better forks to get would u say with not a huge gap at the front

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i am running high rise forks on my bike at the moment and im not sure if u would be better going for lower rise 1s as findin gettin up things a tad hard....

would be great to get some advice from people

if i was you i would get some fatty forks or some deng forks.

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i know someone selling some cannondale p bone forks, which are the predessesor of the fatty forks and really strong and lighter

they would need painting though as they are a horrible blue but he only wants £30 for them

i can give you his msn if you like?

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i know someone selling some cannondale p bone forks, which are the predessesor of the fatty forks and really strong and lighter

they would need painting though as they are a horrible blue but he only wants £30 for them

i can give you his msn if you like?

yea that wld be cool

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