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Thats why you shouldnt drink. in the last year, i have had about 4 cans of beer.

i consumed upwards of 60 units on thursday night, thats why i felt rough for all of friday and a bit of yesterday. and am now considering kicking the booze for a good few months.

Edited by trials_punk182
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he is hxc sxc fo lyfe, yo! (straight edge).

how much is one 'unit'?

one unit is 10ml of pure alcohol, so 10ml of something thats 100% would be 1 unit.

one shot(25ml measure) of 40% spirit is a unit (as 40% of 25 is, the amount of alcohol in it)

most lagers in this country vary between 2.5-3.0 units per pint.

generally about half a glass of wine is considered as one unit.

correct formula for working it out is (ml of alcohol x its strength)/10.

so a pint of 5% lager is (568 x 5%)/10 = 2.84 units.

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I am in the pub after college every day now. I'm 18, honest. :lol:

I have only been drunk once, but I really didn't like it, so I only ever have 1 pint now, I really like the whole pub culture, playing pool, playing music on the jukebox etc.

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Can't remember what this thread is about, but i found drinking a pint of water when i got in last night from having 9 cans of fosters prevented a hang over, usually 9 gets me wasted out of my brains but as i had a whole medium pizza to myself i think that helped too, but i'm sure the pint of water was good for me.

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Why don't you drink then ? (serious question im not taking the piss)

Because I'm straight edge :)

Do you not think you're restricting yourself a bit young?, just seems you'll regret it in later life

No. I'm 20, I used to drink a lot when I first started uni, then I just stopped because I didn't want to any more, it was costing too much and I didn't like who I became when I got drunk.

It's a decision I chose to make and I'm happy to stick by it :) I don't think I'm missing out on anything, and I certainly don't regret it!

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