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just thought it would be interesting to know what type of alcohol contains the lowest sugar/starch. as i like to drink regularly but have been dabbling with different drinks, brandy, gin, whisky, bitter lager, and i normally feel the same in the morning.

i never touch wkd or any of that shite, so any ideas for healthy drinking? white wine has been good for me in the past, any suggestions?

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Healty drinks? That's an oxymoron...

Straight Vodka is clean but boring. Why the low sugar/starch request? Are you diabetic?

I drink anything. Sometimes I take Resorb which helps. It's mainly used if you have diarrhea and need to replenish salts and fluids. I hear Alka Selzer or whatever it's called works really well. One before drinking, one before bed and one in the morning.

Makes the day after one of those hazy absinthe/beer nights feel pretty good.

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As in the drugs.

there's definitely meat in pills*

Real men drink scotch (don't spend less than ÂŁ25 on a bottle).

I also like a nice glass of port (don't spend less than ÂŁ15 on a bottle)

* I heard a rumour that somebody i sort of knew found a hair in one once

Edited by poopipe
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apparently one shot of vodka contains only 50 calories! wheras a bottle of cider is nearer 600 and a pint is 200 or something! so moral of the story.. if your gonne drink, its either gonne kill you or make you fat! so so excercise or summat. xx

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Actually the alcohol itself has a lot of energy (more per gram than sugar, starch, fat etc) so there's not much escaping the calories. But since strong vodka has very little else in it besides the alcohol, it's probably the least calorific drink.

Guinness is the worst though. Looooads of calories in a pint.

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  • 1 month later...

I used to work in a very busy cocktail lead bar, and Now work in a slower different kind of pub, but the basics stay the same:

Best bet is to stick to one, two possibly three spirits per night (brands) and mix with coke/fruit juices (lots of sugar in both) but at least you know what your getting.

WKD/Smirnoff ice etc are all so full of chemicals and shit they simply cant be good for you and I swear contribute to hangover no end, Lets be honist... 4% or whatever they are really aint worth bothering with.

Some drinks you might like to try are...

Gin and tonic? (bombay not gordans if you can and plenty of lime, not lemon) actually a really nice, good drink!

Amaretto on ice with 3x 1/4 lime segments and 1 tsp brown sugar? Such an lovelly drink, tastes like marsepan.

Southern comfort and coke :D old favourite, dont mix with lemonade or it'll taste like archers (N) (if you dont like whisky try it anyway, its not technically a whisky its a whisky based drink with about 100 added natural flavours, peach and vanilla being two of them)

Cubralibre? - Havanna club rum and coke, lots of lime as well!

dark and stormy - Rum (probably a lighter, dark rum like havanna again) with ginger beer... good wake-me-up drink!

if you wanna go vodka route I wouldnt bother with flavoured vodkas as they only really tame the vodka taste when mixed, they taste a bit artifical when neat.

Belvadeer or grey goose are good premium but not stupid choices.

have fun!

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Here's my problem.

I like cider, colourful girly drinks and anything with vodka in it. Don't like beer or larger etc.

When i drink lots of cider my teeth become really sensitve, and i've noticed my teeth are actually looking kinda worn recently too :S.

Anyway, i find that when i drink more 'natural' cider it effects my teeth less (the more watery 'homemake' cider). But not many places sell it. I did try Old Rosey cider once but i ended up being sick just after 2 pints (i'm a lightweight) as it's 7% and i drink it rather quickly. However, didn't effect my teeth which is what i want.

So, what can i do? Can't keep continuing drinking magners becuase i'm not gonna have any teeth left by the end of next year.

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this one time... at band camp i nearly illed my ex with old rosey, puke everywhere like up walls and all sorts, it was just plaijn brilliant

Haha. You've never been properly sick, untill you've puked up Old Roesy!

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also according to the mens lifestyle bit of msn usa. consuming 20 units in a space of 3 hours or less, would cause the average 200lb man to be lucky to survive, now either thats a load of codshite, or theres a hell of a lot of people who are drinking 2 pints a night, and would die if they consumed 12-15 units in the space of 3 hours or less. as me and most of my mates, including a bunch of females drink more than that on a semi regular basis.

when you start reading into alcohol, it becoms pretty worrying really

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