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Hey i got some music the other day and when i open the folder on my computer it shows the files and it has the itunes logo next to it.


So it looks like that expect i am on windows not mac.

So i have tried every way i can think of opening these files e.g highlighting and hitting enter , drag 'n' drop .......

But they do not appear in Itunes any where has any 1 else had this problem and know how to sort it.


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That'd make a hell of a load more sense then.

Yeah, I have the same problem, an update was launched, I didn't get it, I only have 900 song on my library despite having over 7000 in the folder, Foober 2000 can see them all, I have no idea what's up, I just can't be arsed to update.

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Hey the updating thing didn't work.

I tried to open in media player and got this error.

Does this mean my mate that gave me the cd has mucked around with the file names / extensions making it no longer playable?

Thanks for every ones help.


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