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My Maggy's Gone Doo-lal!


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Mashed my braided cross-over last weekend, only had a chance to fit a new one last night, and it's sluggish/spongey/slow/SH*T

It's been done with a decent 'bath bleed', and I did a few times to make sure, but nothing's getting better. Very annoying as it was an awesome brake pre-smash, and I hadn't touched it for months!

So what do I replace it with?

Tarty Adam's new second-hand maggy @ £50

One of these new Dengura thing's?

Or go crazy and do a v-brake conversion?

If it helps, I'm looking for a brake that has a sensible light feel to it, but with a very definate bite point on it, and decent amount of hold.

It's on a Koxx coust, and it doesn't get ridden every day, and usually it's on natural.


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Tarty Adam's new second-hand maggy @ £50

One of these new Dengura thing's?

Or go crazy and do a v-brake conversion?

Arn't you just jumping the gun a little bit? if your brake worked before you snapped the cross over then that means that all your pistons and lever are working fine so no need to spend 50quid on a brake that you already have.... if it feels spongy its just becuase its a crap bleed, so get someone else to have a go at it. I cant bleed brakes for shit lol so i genrally flutter my eye lashes and get my mate to do it for me!!

My Dengura is quality...

And Vee brakes are mint.

But you might as well save youself 50-150 quid and just bleed your brake right?

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Mashed my braided cross-over last weekend, only had a chance to fit a new one last night, and it's sluggish/spongey/slow/SH*T

It's been done with a decent 'bath bleed', and I did a few times to make sure, but nothing's getting better. Very annoying as it was an awesome brake pre-smash, and I hadn't touched it for months!

So what do I replace it with?

Tarty Adam's new second-hand maggy @ £50-Little bit expensive IMO

One of these new Dengura thing's? -Not worth the money

Or go crazy and do a v-brake conversion? -OK aslong as you set it up properly and have a decent set-up which again could be expensive

If it helps, I'm looking for a brake that has a sensible light feel to it, but with a very definate bite point on it, and decent amount of hold.

It's on a Koxx coust, and it doesn't get ridden every day, and usually it's on natural.


Sorry if its no help but i couldent think of anything nice to say lol


Edited by adamgriffin3
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Seriously, get yourself a bleed kit. It's soo easy to make a DIY bleed-kit. Mine cost me 0.17£ to build. (the price of two 25ml syringes from a local pharmacy)

What you want to do is go to the nearest pharmacy and buy yourself two syringes, I guess you can go for the largest ones they've got. Mine are 25ml and do the job fine. Then find yourself some hosing (clear is a bit better but anything will work) that will fit over the end of the syringe. (Inner diameter about 1-1.5mm I guess.) Again, you can get some clear hosing that is used for medical stuff at a pharmacy or you can go fully DIY like a friend of mine and use some isolation from a phone cable. Then fit about 10cm of hose to the end of each syringe (take the needle off ofcourse) and put a magura barbed fitting to the other end. And voila.. you've made yourself a magura bleed-kit that actually works and cost you almost nothing. Sorted.

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Or go crazy and do a v-brake conversion? -OK aslong as you set it up properly and have a decent set-up which again could be expensive

isn't that the same with any other brake? why does everybody say that? its just plain retarded, its kinda obvious that if you don't set it up properly it wont work to its full potential, same with maggies, discs, etc... not just pointing at you, seems as though lots of people just point out the obvious...

anyway, if you like the maggy, just fix it-no point wasting hard earned dosh, but if you like having a decent brake, then go for a v brake :)

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Thanks, yes was probably jumping the gun a little bit, but it was because in the incident where I mashed the crossover, I landed really hard on the cylinder, so it would have been understandable if had started playing up.

I forgot to mention in my earlier post that I had actually tried bleeding it with a syringe etc, as well as the bath bleed technique, but neither had been very succesful.

Eventually discovered Saturday it was the new Hope crossover. Where the fittings on the end it are, they interanl diameter goes thick - thin - thick, and think this was causing it to hold little air bubbles in.

Anyway, fixed it by using the syringe method and bath method combined, now makes an awesome brake!

thanks again

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