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Pro's & Con's Of T-bird (07)

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Hi, just wondering if anyone out there that owns a t-bird (07 model) and that could tell me the good points and bad. also i was wandering if anyone can find a cheaper one (1st hand) than this: http://www.discountcyclesdirect.co.uk/prod...roducts_id=6634

Also just wondering if anyone knows where to buy the same disc as it has on the front if i might want to upgrade, Thanks!

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has 100% cable brakes rather that hydrollic.

has a front disk as standard on a bike that cheap

good starter bike

has bottom bash plate, saving your frame and enabling you to land on it when getting up walls


its onza :glare:

the rear brake needs pads and rims grind

feels really heavy (well my mates does)

they ride pretty poo, as the front end is heavy and the gearing is horrible

not great spec

but if you are starting out it should be ok matey (Y) i know someone who has one of those and it seems ok, needs a few thing doing, but overall is good for the money.

hope i helped (Y)

Edited by owentrialsman
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has 100% cable brakes rather that hydrollic.

has a front disk as standard on a bike that cheap

good starter bike

has bottom bash plate, saving your frame and enabling you to land on it when getting up walls


its onza

the rear brake needs pads and rims grind

feels really heavy (well my mates does)

they ride pretty poo, as the front end is heavy and the gearing is horrible

not great spec

but if you are starting out it should be ok matey (Y) i know someone who has one of those and it seems ok, needs a few thing doing, but overall is good for the money.

hope i helped (Y)

thanks mate, very tempting now

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but when i looked the only diference i noticed was that the t-bird had a front disc and the t-pro had just normal v's which puts me off that

That doesnt mean the disc is good (it isnt), th frame of the tpro is far superior

Edited by afroman
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has 100% cable brakes rather that hydrollic. Means nothing

has a front disk as standard on a bike that cheap Again, it means nothing - its probably shit anyway

good starter bike Opinion, not fact

has bottom bash plate, saving your frame and enabling you to land on it when getting up walls There are much betetr bieks out there that also have bashplates


its onza :glare:And?

the rear brake needs pads and rims grind EVERY new bike needs a good set of pads and a grind - whether its £150 or £1,500

feels really heavy (well my mates does) Can't fault that

they ride pretty poo, as the front end is heavy and the gearing is horrible - Most sensible thing he's said all day

not great spec He speaks the truth

but if you are starting out it should be ok matey (Y) i know someone who has one of those and it seems ok, needs a few thing doing, but overall is good for the money.

hope i helped (Y)

Seriously. My mate has one, it's bloody awful when coming off my bike (T-Pro). My bike may not be standard, but it defiantly felt better than that did when I first got it.

Jsut have a gander at those eBay links I left ^ up there. Those bikes looked in good condition - especially since you're only after a 'starter' bike (Y)

Edited by ManxTrialSpaz
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has 100% cable brakes rather that hydrollic. Means nothing- i prefur cable brakes as set up correctly i believe, along with many other riders that they can have better bite and hold than maggies etc

has a front disk as standard on a bike that cheap Again, it means nothing - its probably shit anyway- set up correctly, the brake isnt to bad to have standard on a bike of that pricegood starter bike Opinion, not fact- maybe, but a hell of alot of trials riders believe that low range onza's are great starter bikes

has bottom bash plate, saving your frame and enabling you to land on it when getting up walls There are much betetr bieks out there that also have bashplates- correct your spelling, and im not talking about better bikes, im talking about the t-bird


its onza And?- they can be quite weak and the low range ones dont have very good geo etc

the rear brake needs pads and rims grind EVERY new bike needs a good set of pads and a grind - whether its £150 or £1,500- not true because alot of good spec bikes come with better pads

feels really heavy (well my mates does) Can't fault that

they ride pretty poo, as the front end is heavy and the gearing is horrible - Most sensible thing he's said all day

not great spec He speaks the truth

Edited by owentrialsman
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i prefur cable brakes as set up correctly i believe, along with many other riders that they can have better bite and hold than maggies etc.

Ok, I guess its all down to preference.

set up correctly, the brake isnt to bad to have standard on a bike of that price

I was only guessing having never tested one but going on what afroman said and the fact its an Onza branded brake - opposed to companies that specialize in braking components, I still think its probably pretty shitty.

maybe, but a hell of alot of trials riders believe that low range onza's are great starter bikes

I'm sure there are, but for a lot less expenditure, you can get a much better bike off eBay. Or, (since he's said cost isn't a problem, I think he has anyway...) he could just save up for a T-Pro. That's still low range when compared to other bikes but there must be about 100 forum users that will put them forward.

correct your spelling, and im not talking about better bikes, im talking about the t-bird

Point taken, I was just demonstrating that this was hardly an outstanding feature (I'm trying really hard to keep him away :P (Yes, I probably do have a too big of a dislike towards them))

P.S. The spelling remark was an extremely silly hypocritical remark.


they can be quite weak and the low range ones dont have very good geo etc

YOu could have just said that rather than just put Onza, as it is not a fault of Onza is it? THey're supplying cheap bikes to those who want them.

not true because alot of good spec bikes come with better pads

Still needs a grind - and as far as I'm concerned, if it doesn't come with plazas, it needs new pads :P

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they can be quite weak and the low range ones dont have very good geo etc

YOu could have just said that rather than just put Onza, as it is not a fault of Onza is it? THey're supplying cheap bikes to those who want them.

it was a bit of a joke mate, nothing too serious ;) i just dont particularly like low range onzas as i put a crack in mine, around the bashguard welds :glare:

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That bike is £314.99, for another hundread quid you will get a good spec second hand bike from the classifieds on here.

New bikes/parts loose value unbelievebly quickly!

I have probably spent about £1000 on my bike, however if I were to try and sell it, I would be putting it on for about half that amount, £500!

So yeh, your best bet is to get a 2nd hand one of here. Forget about that t-bird, they ride wank anyway.

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A- at the moment i cant talk on that forum yet because im not a member

B- my dad probably wont drive me a miles to get the bike

Can always add the seller on MSN :) And I'm sure that if you asked very nicely, your dad would drive you or, if you pay a bit extra, the seller might post the entire bike your way.

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its onza :glare:Good value, good starter bikes

the rear brake needs pads and rims grind Does it?, my rear brake on my T-vee worked just as well, if not, better than my current Hydraulic on a smooth rim, just use a little tar

feels really heavy (well my mates does) Not much heavier than a T-pro

they ride pretty poo, as the front end is heavy and the gearing is horrible The front end is not heavy, its the geometry of the bike, its a short bike so most of the weight is placed in the middle/back of the bike, and the 18 tooth freewheel can easily be changed to a 16 tooth to give the same ratio as 18-12

not great spec What would you expect for a budget starter bike?

I think the T-Bird/T-Vee are probably the best bikes you can get to start on, the Vee's work brilliantly as well as the disc, good value for money and they can easily be upgraded.

Of the two, I think the T-Bird is a better investment as it comes with a 19" wheel as standard, and you are getting that for only £50 extra, as well as a good working disc on the front.

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just cons

cable brakes only thumbdown.gif

geo is tradgic

heavyer than a car


super short

in 2 days time you will regret buying one

seriously id sooner top mi sen than have a t-bird again

wrong wrong wrong

you can hook 5 pallets on a t bird (Y) and they gap/sidehop damn well too

Edited by afroman
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