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Post Pictures Of Your Favourite Foot's Shins


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This topic is absolutely savage. Don't believe Partz's story, he's probably just a sicko.

So anyway here are my healed (ish) shin scars:


And a picture of my fit ankles. One side freshly re-done and the other one just scarred from relentless crankle scrapage.


Edited by Tommy d
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Don't wear shin pads, these scars will be great conversation starters when we're 90 years old.

I don't mind the scars, but when I did mine I missed a whole summer's worth of beach and swimming in the sea! Now that is a serious matter. And no riding for a few weeks too, they just didn't want to close up...

I think it would actually be alright now I have V8s instead of the onza cage things I had, they seem to jab rather than slice! Still hurts and gets blood everywhere though, so pads it is.

btw Inur yours are the most horrific looking. Although Krisboats gets mank points also.

Edited by Tommy d
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Pedal in to calf


Some pedal to shin action which occured twice on the same ride... tarty adam had a pic of it straight after it happened but prolly gone by now

The pic was a week later of healing it would NOT stop bleeding for days.. soaked through 2 dressings and in to my bed sheets i had to keep pulling them apart. The white within the hole is the skin which once covered it

Edited by Spacemunkee
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